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Fck it up Seokjin's answer page 2 (42)

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Depends if it's an ABO with just positivity and fluff, then yes, but if it's the usual " everyone is an asshole and alpha can fck anyone because their born that way bla blah " then no thank you. I'm good with this   2 reply
03 04,2020
Eye--- what????   reply
07 08,2020
about question
No eating sugar or anything sweets, carbs, and just protein and veggies, eat only small portions and once a day or even don’t eat the next day. I notice going on a no carb/no sweets diet works effectively cause I seen my mom and aunt go from 58kg or 60kg to 40kg. My aunt is very skinny from her no carb, no sweets diet, she even just drink lemon......   reply
18 04,2024
Fubuki Shirou QAQ   reply
30 08,2020
I get along with my parents ( their surprisingly very very supportive as I grow up) • as an asian, parents are strict with stuff and we children would get a beating if we do something wrong, so as a child, my father used to hurt my feelings and scare me but I guess my mother had something to do with the changes of my father over the time. I woul......   reply
16 08,2020
My Dad and Auntie, as far as I remember, where both the reason why I like anime. Dad really made me watch all that Dragon Ball Series, introduce One Piece and Slam dunk before, while my Auntie whose just a few years older, gave me all that Naruto, Vampire Knight, Card Captor Sakura, Ouran HSHC, and etc. If I have a kid, I'd watch naruto or sket da......   1 reply
21 08,2019
about question
But with acne scars   reply
02 05,2021
A beta. Thank goodness I'm a normie   1 reply
06 05,2020
IU, BTS and DPR Live   reply
12 05,2020
about question
Usually 7-8 hrs if I don’t have work on the next day, on weekdays is probably 4-6hrs   reply
06 05,2024
The right answer is don't.   reply
02 08,2020
My mother tongue is Filipino, • basically as I grew up I'm 100% able to speak and write English •I'm learning Korean because atm • but ever since I was a child I want to learn Japanese, I can't read but I can understand some words   1 reply
16 08,2020
I can't remember but I'm sure my first fictional crush was either this mfcker, Uchiha Sasuke or cutie pie Inuyasha. And my current fictional crush would be Zenitsu (Demon Slayer), Todoroki(My Hero Academia) and Genos☄(One Punch Man) But to be pretty honest I have a lot of anime crush than irl crush so yeah   2 reply
21 08,2019
I refuse to believe I am not Beta   reply
30 06,2021
I don't want to get disowned, thank you very much (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   3 reply
03 04,2020
I can't remember but I used to read wattpad malexmale or OA3 stories,,,,, then my friend introduced me to a whole new world. The earliest yaoi manga I read is probably Junjou romantica and some fan made BLs I can't remember.   reply
03 04,2020
Dude I'd probably first look at myself in the mirror and admire myself cause I know I'm gonna be a hot af dude.   reply
03 04,2020