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Bald Sangwoo's answer page 1 (28)

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Rimming isn't disgusting. But the fact that they don't let the viewer know if the uke did prep beforehand can lead us to think that the uke did none of that. So yeh, in that case it can lead the person reading to think that it might be dirty. But I keep in mind that it's probably clean, that way I don't think about how dirty it is or whatever ahaha......   1 reply
19 05,2020
about drawing
Due to personal reasons, I will be passing away   5 reply
14 07,2020
about have sex
Honestly I don't think masturbating to yaoi is wrong. What you use as masturbation material should stay in the privacy of your room. Here's my 2 cent as mlm: if you don't tell me to my face that you get excited when you watch gay porn/yaoi and you don't treat gay people as a form of entertainement for you and your own personnal pleasure, I don't ha......   reply
02 12,2020
Me reading the comment that says incest is ok:   2 reply
06 07,2020
NO MATTER WHAT YOUR ETHNICITY IS, YOU CAN COSPLAY ANY CHARACTERS YOU WANT (unless you do blackface, then please don't) Fuck those people that think you shouldn't cosplay a certain character because of your skin tone. IMMA FIGHT THEM, THESE FUCKING BITCHES THAT THINK OTHERWISE.   reply
06 07,2020
Just commenting so more people see this lmaooo   reply
02 07,2020
NO SHE CAN'T EDIT: If one of y'all clown say she isn't trans, your comment will be deleted. Period. Read Grell's confesionnal and please pay attention to what she says overall. Exemple: her saying she wants to bare sebastians children, wanting breasts, saying that god made a mistake when she was created   reply
02 12,2020
The rape trope. I fucking hate it. Like rape isn't romantic, it's not cute. Why do mangakas often tend to take that route?? At this point when I read a manga that doesn't have rape in it, I question myself if it really was yaoi??? Lmaooo Like it's annoying. But what I fucking hate the most is when either the uke or the seme drag the shit out of dra......   1 reply
15 05,2020
about question
Who tf wants kids, LET ALONE WILLINGLY KIDNAP THESE DISGUSTING CREATURES?? no thanks imma pass   1 reply
07 06,2021
Even if mangago deletes the question, people have the time to see what's happening. People have the time to actually grasp what's been happening and it makes it possible for people to just block the user and flag their account. It doesn't matter if it gets delete. Atleast alot of people are now aware of these disgusting people and can stay away fr......   2 reply
07 06,2021
about question
I'm sorry, who? What's that? Idk what that shit is but sounds terrifying   reply
07 06,2021
Fan behavior much. He harassed someone called Black Lotus because they gave them constructive criticism to help them improve their webtoon Idk if i took the whole thing Black lotus said but here's a part And here's what happened after, on black lotus's wall and it's just a small part of what happened on their wall   reply
11 06,2021
N-no one says that murderers are ok- There's always a context to why someone is a murderer in a yaoi, which reflects in the tags such as horror, tragedy, drama unlike rape. i've read so many yaoi and most the them that has rape in it aren't tagged as any of the above. It's often out of nowhere and unrelated to the plot. It romanticize rape.   1 reply
04 08,2020
about question
Popcorn anyone??   1 reply
07 06,2021
Join   reply
20 12,2020
about question
I really don't give a flying fuck, just don't cross boundaries. What you see in fiction isn't a reflection of actual queer relationships and if you acknowledge that and don't tell me you flick the bean to it, i really don't care   reply
07 06,2021
I really don't think you should try and put a label on yourself. :) You love who you love and that's all it matters! Labels aren't needed imob:p   reply
17 01,2020
Bald Sangwoo
12 06,2021
12 06,2021