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WonTon~'s answer page 3 (535)

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Ahem not me looking for animes to watch   1 reply
11 03,2021
Idk I draw.. I guess lol Ain’t the most amazing but whatever... backstory, I just turned 13, and I’ve been drawing for like 2 ish years ever since I discovered Naruto and started copying the manga lol... I takes insperation from like Tokyo ghoul or like sui ishida’s art in general cause it’s fucking gorgeous, or like jagaaan’s mix of lik......   reply
20 08,2020
I mean, I personally aint a fan of kpop, and I don't like bts's fans so much cause idk they're a bit creepy and annoying sometimes (at least the ones I meet) but I dont have anything against bts themselves so they aight in my book. I’m not a fan of bts but like, they’re talented so I’ll respect that   reply
18 03,2021
probably mob psycho 100, I loved the art and story :)   1 reply
28 04,2021
about question
Weak female lead who fucking kyas over everything, ahem ‘quirky’ female lead, complete asshole male lead that the female lead just can’t stop fawning over, huge titties, over sexualized characters and the list goes on.   1 reply
27 02,2021
Legit any isekai harem, or any mangas with a girl that is so fucking annoying I can’t handle it. Or really any romance action in general, cause the ship is also so fucking annoying especially when it’s with a really good plot, but has to stop halfway for the romance. I legit dropped seven deadly sins purely for Elizabeth’s just annoying ass v......   1 reply
29 09,2020
24 05,2021
just... angst.   1 reply
24 05,2021
about question
29 01,2021
bro I mean at least give proof... this just kinda makes everyone seem like the biggest asshole   reply
29 01,2021
It’s either blush, low confidence, shy but works hard girls, or over confident, tsundere, richy rich and has everything stubborn girl. There’s so many shittly written girls I find it hard to like actual good female leads...   1 reply
17 09,2020
Idk for me i just don't like the hetero mangas, cause majority of the time the girls are just so shittily written, always being the maiden in distress, and when in a romance... the fucking tropes. Ya know, the "I'm just an ordinary girl, but I have a crush on 2 guys! Kya! Who should I choose!?" I fucking hate it. I'd rather just take the girl outt......   reply
13 12,2020
I can't think of anything funny but ya I agrees.   reply
01 11,2020
Clap clap bro. Clap clap.   1 reply
12 04,2021
I’m confused, but also kind of interested. Mangago is just going through another weird phase. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   reply
04 09,2020
about lmao
13 04,2021
13 04,2021
I guess I’m choking on a wonton ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
13 09,2020
I’d say the whole fetishizing gay men is a think I’ve seen a lot on the internet about people talking about it but I’ve honestly never seenit in real life. I think the difference is how much lgbtq représentation you get in your life. I mean if you get enough lgbtq representation irl then well you have a solid wall against what’s fiction an......   1 reply
11 07,2020
Oof my mom tried to wake me up for school (I took sleeping drugs the night before and side effects) and then as a so call way to ‘help’ me, she told my brother to violently drag me out, throw me from the top of the stairs (that shit hurt) and left me outside half naked for 24 hours with nothing.   1 reply
22 10,2020
Every night lmao, I don’t like watching porn cause it sounds so fake and there is a lot of smut recommandations online so ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   2 reply
29 06,2020
Imma just speak for the nontoxic community, I’ll just start with that. I don’t think Theres anything bad with yaoi, I mean in some ways the fetishizing can get kinda bad at points, but no one has bashed plain ol hentai. Technically, have you ever seen a giant tittied cat girl with a skanky outfit who is always horny. This makes girls look terri......   1 reply
08 06,2020
damn losing your entire list... that must suckk. Glad ur back though   reply
22 11,2020