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WonTon~'s answer page 4 (535)

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lmao honestly same, but it has no negative side effects from doing so, so I'm pretty sure its completely normal ^^   1 reply
25 09,2020
05 11,2020
Holding my emotional support stuffie on my lap while reading yaoi smut (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   1 reply
05 11,2020
I mean... i don't care, as long it doesn't look like a literal sausage   reply
16 11,2020
about bad ends
22 11,2020
Well... damn that’s a good point Lmao   reply
25 04,2021
10 10,2020
Nice (▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
10 10,2020
about lmao
I fucking hate pickles. How does those nasty wet green dick looking things taste good?   2 reply
21 11,2020
*smiles awkwardly*   reply
09 08,2020
Lmao I just prayed you too, but welcome back soldier (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ I’m proud you made it out alive ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
15 09,2020
about cooking
I-i.... i-is that healthy....??? I'm more concerned than anything...   reply
29 05,2021
I’m just gunna say school is a profession now but ok. Uh laptop found in a toilet, dude jerking off beside my friends during class (gr 6 at the time), and I guess a girl almost fracturing her ankle, and the gym teacher not giving a shit and telling them to play basketball, yes, mr c I’m still salty.   reply
10 10,2020
...Is it weird to say that I ain't fazed...?   reply
20 02,2021
I feel bad for my child...   reply
21 05,2021
so like... can i see your dick yet?   reply
29 09,2020
about question
Ghosts are real. I like ghosts. They kinda creepy tho.   1 reply
27 02,2021
20 08,2020
...just thing to read some fluff and I see the sides just filled with the title of ass fruit. Uh....good luck...   reply
20 08,2020
Dude ELECEED PLEASE TOP TIERRRRR Genuinely probably one of the top few reasons why I still read manga is to keep up with this LEGEND   1 reply
20 09,2023
Hm.. I’d say love is an illusion and hosik story is overrated cause of the kinda shitty relationship développement, not cause of the omega verse lol, it just never had any relationship develope. And I think silent lover and maybe dear door is underrated cuz idk if those two are really popular. Lol ignore my shitty writing.   1 reply
16 07,2020
05 02,2021
....who the hell says that?   4 reply
05 02,2021