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ʚɞ's answer page 5 (94)

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about scared of
NAH my basic ass is into vanilla stories only, maybe when im mentally prepared enough to sacrifice my eyeballs to that kinky shit..   reply
16 08,2020
NOT A PHRASE LOL but i was a hardcore fan of renai circulation and would hum that shit on a daily basis for six months straight yall. THIS SHIT WAS UNNECESSARILY CATCHY i couldnt stop myself... and my friends were those bitches who would YELL “nico nico nii~” AS A JOKE AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT... i fucking hate them sometimes. thats how yall know my......   reply
04 08,2020
about question
you should try exploring different types since theres a lot of variety but if that doesnt work, maybe u should try cooking meals where it will mask the entirety of the vegetable?   reply
06 05,2021
i dont wanna go to online school again, i literally cant get any shit done when im at home lmao FUCK SCHOOL FOR REAL.   4 reply
01 08,2020
i went to church school and cheated on a dumbass test. at this point, i just SINNED in church.. IN GOD'S FUCKING TERRITORY. there were absolutely no excuses for my actions because I WAS FUCKING CHEATING AT A CHURCH SCHOOL FOR FUCKS SAKE. i realized im probably going to hell since im a reoccurring sinner anyways, so i just stopped attending that shi......   4 reply
10 08,2020
ʚɞ 03 08,2020
aw this was so cute, what the heck man! i wish you the best ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   1 reply
03 08,2020
because my dumbass cant get ANY dick or pussy.. i shall remain forever single with my love for these fictional hoes chile-   3 reply
11 08,2020
i would literally reincarnate into ANYTHING other than this wack ass body again.. make me a pathetic little ant and i wouldve probably accomplished more in that life than my current one.   reply
07 08,2020
iwtkmsbidwmfaftbs   5 reply
03 08,2020
ʚɞ 11 08,2020
i dont know why i bother with this site anymore.. some of yall wack asf- THIS IS BASICALLY THE SAME FUCKING ENERGY AS THE BATHROOM HAIR GIRL.. I CAN NOT COMPREHEND THIS STUPIDITY YALL.   1 reply
11 08,2020
ʚɞ 05 08,2020
nah.. maybe if i was an eleven year old ass weeb who was obsessed with shoujo manga then sure why not? but most of these bitches are unreasonable and wack asf yall.   reply
05 08,2020
your typical bisexual bitch here, i realized id hit both ways but my single ass STILL cant find someone to like me back.. I JUST WANNA BE LOVED AND SPREAD LOVE BACK, IS THAT SO FUCKING HARD?   2 reply
19 08,2020
pics of my dumbass crying because im qUirKy.   reply
14 08,2020
my life is too damn boring to have any spicy secrets..   1 reply
19 08,2020