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Who is Jian Yi Pussay—'s answer page 26 (509)

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1,there both adorable but killua 3, sasuke 4, L (What? He’s hot) 5, misaki we stan a bossy ass queen 5, illumi (hisoka is sus asf) 6,7,9(dunno these ones) 10, DG (DG is Still dumb asf in my opinion he should’ve ended it as soon as jiwon hit him) 11, CHANWOO AND MD (but I do feel deprived of his naked body lmao but their story is cute)   reply
02 11,2020
I’m a little Torn   reply
23 11,2020
Do it yourself you got it stuck up there.   reply
21 11,2020
Oh by the way did you know “Stan” comes from an Eminem song called Stan it’s about a fan that would stalk and obsess over their idol.   reply
02 12,2020
I made a question with a quiz for women for all the women who took this quiz.   reply
04 12,2020
My life.   reply
16 12,2020
This mf I hate him with all my life Cha Chiwoo deserved to be happy at a young age. This pretty mf This mentally disturbed asshole These mfs There’s a few more but I don’t have pictures The ex Vice President from never understand/ out of control. and him: HE INFUELS ME WITH RAGE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF MY JAERIM BABY.   3 reply
20 10,2020
“Disowning your own child isn’t the way to go, They’re still a person and your child, it doesn’t matter who they love, Parents love should be unconditional you should be ashamed of yourself.”   reply
21 11,2020
about question
Are You the same person that did the breast milk and cum questions? Because I’m getting concerned.   9 reply
06 11,2020