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Aodhan's answer (11)

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I fetishize everything that I like. I mean, I’m not out in the street leering at people, but sexual fantasies can be about any damn thing you want it to be about. The point is to keep the fantasy separate from reality and treat people with respect in real life. This website is not the place to expect the type of behaviors that you should be able......   7 reply
06 05,2020
Depressant chemicals aren't the only ones that can trigger thoughts of suicide, but *some* kind of chemical weirdness is behind it. Suicide is so contradictory to human beings that something has to be malfunctioning to make us want to stop living. Please try to figure out what's wrong. Even if you're not feeling sad, something is up. It could be a......   reply
05 05,2020
Yes. More than once. People out there act like it’s rare, but you have to be a blind idiot. 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted. Look at these responses and see for yourself. If it’s happened to this many people on a small site what are the real numbers? I think things like this won’t change until the punishment becomes something horrib......   reply
30 04,2020
First, I’m sure it’s not just LGBTQ+ women. Many people, especially from historically oppressed groups, dislike being fetishized. It’s like black people who get criticized for having natural hair, but then whites adopt the same styles as a trend or make money off of it. It feels like a slap in the face somehow, so don’t be surprised if peop......   reply
14 12,2019
41 yr old pansexual kinky/polyamorous black female from southern united states.   reply
18 11,2019
It's pedophilia, which is disgusting to most people (self included). I'm not trying to be self-righteous or anything, it's just-- literally looking at it makes me feel sick. The same starts to happen when supposedly adult characters start looking way too young. Maybe it's because I have a kid of my own, maybe it's because I was molested as a kid? I......   1 reply
10 12,2019
Sex is normal and natural. I became interested in it very young, like five or six. When I was this age I was writing porn stories. My poor mom, she’d find them while I was at school and toss them and never mention anything. The fact of the matter is that people become interested in sex at different times in their lives. And if you convince them ......   2 reply
04 05,2020
Sex, ofc. Lots and lots of it. With myself or someone else doesn’t matter (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
05 05,2020
I'm so glad that I didn't succeed. At the time, it seemed the only option. I was in so much misery that I couldn't ever imagine life being anything but pain and misery. I felt like a burden to everyone. I honestly believed with all my heart that it was the best decision. That people would hurt for a little while but then go on with their lives bett......   2 reply
05 05,2020
Can you imagine choosing to be homeless? No really, think about it for a sec... would you ever choose to be homeless? No one in their *right mind* would choose to be out on the streets in winter, smelling like piss, freezing to death (many of them do), having to beg people who think you’re disgusting. I repeat, no one in their right mind would c......   reply
01 05,2020
Could I make my own instead? Could I look at pictures without words? Could I pay someone to read it out loud to me instead?   reply
06 05,2020