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Sleeps In Sunbeams's answer page 2 (1094)

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Sorry! I’m vegan ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
09 03,2021
about question
Personally, I appreciate the friendlier atmosphere and reduced Twitter type talk full of racism, victim mentality, and hate crap.   1 reply
22 05,2021
about cooking
Cajun one pot jumbalaya. Spicy, aromatic, warming and delicious   2 reply
29 05,2021
Literally this meme   2 reply
05 10,2023
about question
Ways to say you want to use protection or ask for a testing report. As lots of people start young and/or have a few partners over time, it’s important to know how to protect yourself. Not just “use condoms, here is how to roll it on”. How to truly protect yourself. Like, what to say when your partner is being pushy about not covering up. Th......   reply
29 05,2021
“Just one more chapter” can turn into a night of little to no sleep.   reply
29 08,2023
about question
I just finished reading ‘Kiraide Isasete’ which was a truly loving relationship (including with kids) I would happily recommend. If you prefer a webtoon then ‘Oh! My Assistant’ is another I recently finished where they treat each other with love and a fair dash of smut. A sweet age gap story that was all fluffy, feel good I also just fi......   reply
06 05,2021
You attention seekers are pathetically desperate when you sink this low   reply
28 09,2023
Anyone convicted of pedophilia needs to be permanently castrated in a manner that removes all ability to ever feel any degree of sexual satisfaction. Then their sentence can be carried out in general population prisons or death row.   4 reply
25 09,2023
Culture is beautiful and worth celebrating. It’s part of what makes travelling to foreign countries so rewarding; that opportunity to experience different cultures and their history and explore the differences and similarities in people from all over the world. It’s that special something that makes you like a group of people irrespective of ......   1 reply
15 12,2023
I gotta respectfully disagree. I really think that you are the one trapped in the land of stereotypes. Firstly, hyperfem bottoms are not the core of BL. I can hardly think of any I have read lately with that type (may reflect my personal choice though). Even if there were lots, there ARE actually hyperfem guys who enjoy expressing themselves that......   3 reply
07 08,2023
I was around 5 years old. My dad used to have this “man fragrance” soap on a rope we always got him for special occasions. I loved the smell so sometimes I would use it. Maybe I used it too much, but dad asked my brother and me, “Who has been using my soap” and ofc I was shaking my head saying “not me” and so was my brother. Dad simpl......   1 reply
03 10,2023
Don’t worry, they probably hate you right back loser ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   reply
18 07,2021
A tricky way to draw and it wouldn’t let me finish but if you stand really, really far back it looks ok   1 reply
10 04,2021
about question
I don’t even know who Lemon is.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I suck at remembering most people tbh   reply
04 04,2021
about question
Idk who’s asking, but if you are big boy (or girl or whatever) enough to read comics, you are big enough to choose for yourself when and if you want to stop   reply
07 09,2023
I am all for the D. Stop hiding it, please redraw, show the D.   1 reply
19 05,2021
This wasn’t a waste of precious BL reading time at all…. Actually, it was. It really really was   4 reply
15 09,2023
It sounds like incels deliberately being provoking. The “girls are the same,” and “nice guys finish last” and “girls don’t want ugly men” bit is their common cry of attention. If you look at these guys most of them don’t put in much effort to be attractive, but they don’t accept any personal responsibility for women’s lack of i......   1 reply
03 06,2021