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Gris's experience page 2 (61)

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about question
Gris 25 05,2021
Redraw of Sad ist's animation plus my drawings of the other characters :D   2 reply
25 05,2021
about question
Gris 29 06,2021
  2 reply
29 06,2021
about question
Gris 22 09,2023
I saw someone said to a ship "I am going to assume they were friends until (name) said they were in love" and it has me thinking, can you only identify love once you hear the words itself? Once you hear the phrase "I love you", or "I'm in love". This is why shipping has always been a double edged sword for me. Like I get it, you want them to be fri......   4 reply
22 09,2023
about question
At times, I found myself running around my dimly lit room, earphones on with loud music as I lip sync the lyrics, with no one else awake but me. With my imaginative mind singing along with me. The rain creating a sense of comfort and the dark doesn't seem scary at all. At times, I found myself grateful for living, inside the privacy of my own room.   1 reply
27 07,2023
about question
Gris 02 07,2021
AWWWW   reply
02 07,2021
about question
Gris 30 06,2021
Take care of your health first, pls.   reply
30 06,2021
about question
Gris 21 05,2021
If someone read the whole thing, i would like to hear your thoughts. I'm very sorry if i worded anything wrong. Here's the main point for revenge stories; Character A suffered for a very long time because of Character B, so thus Character A is filled with rage and decides to direct that rage out at Character B. It's theorectically okay since the ra......   1 reply
21 05,2021
about question
Can we talk? I have something to tell you /j   1 reply
18 05,2021
about question
Gris 27 05,2021
What's your thoughts? :)   1 reply
27 05,2021
about question
Gris 27 05,2021
Someone manifested a content creator to be a groomer just because they don't like them. That's disgusting, do you think it's okay to say that, "I hope they would groom many kids so we can cancelled them" fucking utter bullshit. You don't care at all for the victims, you cunt. They're so blinded with hate that they wished horrible things to innocent......   reply
27 05,2021
about question
Gris 08 06,2021
TW: Grooming Mention Someone actually got groomed/preyed on by talking/making jokes about these things, such as kinks, so if you're a minor please be more careful and wait until you're an adult. It's safe not only for you, but for others as well.   reply
08 06,2021
Gris 17 05,2021
What's your thoughts on this?   4 reply
17 05,2021
about question
Gris 02 07,2021
Oh well would you look at that, being anonymous isn't gonna help you at all. Defamation is a legitimate crime guys, being anonymous doesn't excuse you for doing shit like this :)   1 reply
02 07,2021
about question
Gris 20 05,2021
20 05,2021
about question
In the Greek mythology, Hades takes a minute to ask Persephone not to be sad, as his wife she'll be queen of queens, ruler of the dead and highest among the goddesses and meanwhile he will work to be the best husband he can be for her. Isn't that lovely? Someone said they're the divine cthonic version of Gomez and Morticia, and god that's the perfe......   1 reply
21 05,2021
about question
Gris 23 05,2021
Hello! I want to share with you guys a song that i've taken a liking to. It's...unique. No reverse version: Distorted version: Reversed version:   1 reply
23 05,2021
about question
Gris 21 06,2021
This is my first time joining a specific community in Reddit, and i gotta say, they're chill af. Seriously, all i can see is people discussing about bad takes on Twitter and their own based takes. It's honestly refreshing to see people like that all the time on a platform. Tumblr too, people on Reddit post based takes from Tumblr and honestly i've ......   reply
21 06,2021
about question
Gris 03 07,2021
Thoughts?   reply
03 07,2021
about question
Gris 18 09,2023
I wanna look like her for real   3 reply
18 09,2023
about question
Gris 24 05,2021
Em-dash and En-dash are two different things. Em-dash is used for sentence breaks. (Ex. The little girl said she's okay—though it's the complete opposite—and smiled) And En-dash is used to seperate times (Ex. 1965-1969). Damn, English is complicated. I don't get why it's like this, tbh.   reply
24 05,2021