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Mumu's answer page 1 (29)

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sounds like a cult recruitment lmaoo   1 reply
07 12,2023
12 07,2021
I'm done   reply
12 07,2021
about question
how tf am I the only one who had only wholesome experiences?? Like I talked about sheep with a guy from new zealand and another guy just had existential crisis   1 reply
09 11,2023
about question
09 06,2021
*Croaks*   reply
09 06,2021
I'm athiest and I'm bi   reply
25 12,2020
I-   1 reply
13 11,2020
Who tf is who and what tf is this?   reply
22 04,2021
rat poison   1 reply
09 12,2023
what are you on about? Beyonce doesn't poop   reply
23 12,2023
about question
Who is this Emily?   1 reply
10 03,2021
I don't even get invited to real life weddings and I didn't even get invited here. Whose wedding was it btw?   reply
24 04,2021
Im ded   reply
27 12,2020
27 12,2020
27 12,2020
about lmao
I feel left out. Wtf are you people talking about??   reply
10 07,2021
about piercings
04 07,2021
F   reply
04 07,2021
about writing
11 02,2021
Hi! Sorry if it's too late but can I join too? Good plots always comes to my mind but in the middle of writing, I'm always lost.   reply
11 02,2021