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"You're a girl! Stop dressing like that!" "you're a girl stop sitting like that!" "you're a girl so you should learn how to cook and do house chores and make your husband happy!" Bitches be always telling me that ugh. Plus bold of them to assume I'm straight enough to have a husband   2 reply
12 09,2020
Sweetie No   reply
27 08,2020
I like hisoka too but sis u need to calm the fuck down. He may be one hot daddy, but god he's creepy. Like REALLY creepy.   1 reply
03 09,2020
Boi really flooded tokyo for sum pussy   7 reply
12 09,2020
09 09,2020
Looks like someone didn't watch attack on titan till s3 lol   reply
09 09,2020
This scene broke our hearts. I still cry about this everytime   2 reply
13 12,2020
about crying
Plus when we get mad for getting catcalled these derranged mfs tell us to take it as a compliment?? ? What???   reply
31 05,2021
12 08,2020
12 08,2020
I can't even manage to havr basic human interactions, let alone have an ex   1 reply
22 08,2020
08 09,2020
Im literally crying. This is such a heartwrenching story. Alexis come back already   1 reply
08 09,2020
I didn't like 'Make me bark'. The art of the webtoon was amazing but plot wise, it just didn't do it for me. I really hate it when they use sex to solve fights and misunderstandings. Like, is it that hard to just sit down and talk?   1 reply
17 07,2020
22 08,2020
Um chille anyways so thats enough mangago for today   reply
22 08,2020
Fucking excuse me?   reply
07 08,2020
Shrek because u will never find anyone more perfect than him. Shrek best husbando, waifu, and best girl   2 reply
23 08,2020
12 09,2020
I don't wanna kink shame but wtf   reply
12 09,2020
about question
This story breaks my heart we must protect this ship at all costs. Obama better not let his pookie baby go   reply
14 08,2023
Our schools aren't open since there are still a fuck ton of cases here. Some are doing online classes but since most of the people in our country cant afford it, alot of them didn't get to enroll this year. Most people are unemployed. AND GOOD GOD OUR GOVERNMENT IS BUSY DUMPING FUCKING SAND IN ONE OF OUR DIRTY BAYS IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC WHEN ......   reply
12 09,2020
23 07,2020
Oh sangwoo. Because— do I even need to explain why   1 reply
23 07,2020
about lgbt
This is only my opinion. You can disagree with it. But if the f slur (or any slur for that matter) has never been weaponized against you, i dont think you should use it. Since the point of people using it is to reclaim the word and to show oppressors that theyre proud of who they are.   reply
02 01,2021