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메로 제로 (mello jello)'s answer page 3 (52)

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Honestly I don't mind if people shipped me with other people or if someone shipped other people together in real life, but I, myself, don't ship. I find people who are able to casually do it, a little bit strange because I never found myself doing it. Like I would ship 2D characters but no real, breathing human being. I find it uncomfortable to do ......   1 reply
10 07,2020
theres no way- now the bulter can have a threesomeee :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD jkjk   1 reply
08 10,2020
Inconvenience her. After all they say, if you can't beat them, inconvenience them. You've already gotten into arguments with her (and if you 're willing makes amends and create a healthy relationship especially with your mother), pester the fuck out of them but like mildly make it where you're willing stand your ground and prove your parents that......   reply
25 06,2020
i have 2 types since idk n they cute so whateva   reply
14 01,2021
19 10,2020
idk if u serious but just delete everything you have of them eg. pictures, gifts, videos, conversations, contacts, etc. and avoid them for a time being: how ever long u can to get over them. and like someone else lmfao idk liking someone else helped me get over my exes and as time goes on i would lose feelings for the person anyways so i think you'......   1 reply
10 09,2020
not my cup of tea to do that but if yall do it then whateva its not my business   reply
13 08,2020
I when people ask me "whY aRen't yOu hAppY?" and tell me "yOu juSt seEm sAd" like bruh i was fine before you even asked me that question. Like I don't just smile all the god damn time like 24/7. Like being happy is a choice. Let me feel what I want to feel. Im not even sure but i guess i have a "sad" face when I am just relaxed or have on a no expr......   reply
27 03,2020
haha my mental age is 25 almost a decade older than what age i actually am im still feel hella young doe   5 reply
27 07,2020