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aphy chu's answer (4)

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yes but in my opinion i don`t same goes for orther girls who read yoai   reply
31 12,2019
so now let`s start of with the biggist problem , RAPE who in the fuck like forced raped something most be wrong with the way u like rape oh and don`t even get me started on how the charater give in to like bitch seriouly imagine it with u ugh it gives me chills ; next is how they PLOT the manga it seems like they just steals orther ppl ideas nigge......   2 reply
01 01,2020
aphy chu 01 01,2020
oh i have plenty but i forgot there name but here`s one shingeki no kyojin dj heichou to shinpei no ichinichi yes it`s a quite a long word oh it not yoai tho and i have a cute and heartwarmin one just type in erenyan to heichou   reply
01 01,2020
i had one but i forgot (⌒▽⌒) it`s name   reply
01 01,2020