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elle's answer page 1 (135)

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my friend accidentally kicked my leg at the lunch table and i moaned, i thought they’d all ignore it but they didn’t. They all stared at me and i had to just apologise and be like "ahah, why did that sound so weird" and aggressively rub my ankle to pretend i was in pain.   4 reply
14 01,2021
kpop boys are definitely something. San is kind of like the prettiest human i’ve seen lol. I appreciate his duality. He has one of the nicest facial structures, he’s talented and has a good physique.   3 reply
06 01,2021
22 01,2021
Some of you be acting like sensitivity is a crime. Please i’m like the baddest bitch in reality but if someone sends me a serious text without any sign of humour, my life span decreases significantly and i have to sit in my wardrobe for a minute.   3 reply
22 01,2021
Unironically calling someone daddy. Like i’ve said it as a joke before when talking to some of my friends about anime characters and shit but actually calling someone daddy- it would just make me sound like a posh chick asking for their father. And racist/misogynistic/homophobic white teenage boys with perms who suffer from toxic masculinity.   reply
04 01,2021
Probably not unpopular, but saying "oh this wasn’t even that sad. How did you guys even find that sad" to a certain anime is so trashy. Take Given for example, so many people are like "it wasn’t even sad :/" but as someone who’s lost so many people after arguments and never being able to apologise or tell then i love them right before they pa......   reply
18 01,2021
Wait- please oh my god. YES   1 reply
23 12,2020
16 01,2021
i think i saw that post before and skipped over it cause i was like "i can’t be asked to deal with this shit today". That post she made aswell about 11-13 year olds shouldn’t be reading BL’s didn’t sit right with me either. BL is boys love, sex doesn’t have to be included. Why can’t a 13 year old read about a wholesome non-sexual mlm r......   1 reply
16 01,2021
I’m sarcastic and mean, but since all my friends are masochists, i still have a stable friend group while also hating/being hated by the rest of my school.   1 reply
31 12,2020
Hisoka literally asked Illumi if he could rape Killua. Also for the whole 'consent in Japan is 13' shut up. I mean there’s literally a petition to change the national consent age to 16, so it’s obviously viewed as way too low. Also i’m guessing in a lot of Japan, the consent age is already around 16, just in some parts of Japan it’s 13. No......   1 reply
02 12,2020
I saw a suicide video before. That’s the most traumatic thing. It isn’t ever a case of 'how well you can handle gore', it’s just the sheer panic of realising what you’ve just witnessed and the uncomfortable feeling of seeing something you should have never had to of seen. edit:: oh wait, besides this, i got stung by a jellyfish before whic......   2 reply
02 11,2020
i am the best friend   1 reply
13 02,2021
{{READ:: I don’t really understand TW’s but i am gonna talk about r*** without tags, so if that triggers you, just don’t read this}} Considering Harada’s works are typically psychological, i don’t think this debate works. In case you didn’t notice, the manga you talk about (i’m guessing) nii-chan has the tags "shotacon,psychological......   reply
18 01,2021
- i don’t tend to drop mangas, whether they’re incredibly messed up, have a bad translation, or have bad art style, but i honestly hate reading long webtoons. Idk, it just always seems like it has that whole 'will they? won’t they?' plot, and i already know they’ll end up together, so hurry up, why is there 100+ chapters for this? - also ......   reply
12 10,2020
09 02,2021
Lmao wtf, China isn’t responsible for other countries failure of dealing with the virus. China isn’t at fault for the lack of precautions and safety measures taken in time, in my country (when this virus was clearly known about for a while), China isn’t at fault for the many people who still disobey the rules and put themselves at risk, in m......   reply
09 02,2021
about dating
I’m lithromantic, so i basically like the idea of a relationship a lot more than actually being in one. Also my last boyfriend used to sh and he relied on me an awful lot which was hard considering we were long distance. I basically had to check up on him 24/7 to make sure he didn’t hurt himself. Needless to say, it was mentally draining and i......   1 reply
16 01,2021
no way, no way, i think you need a new one (:   reply
28 01,2021
Hidamari ga Kikoeru. It has 9.5 stars so i’m guessing there are people that dislike it, but i just thought it was a unique and cute story. It isn’t fast paced, and i haven’t really seen the story anywhere else. If someone says they hate this, i might actually cry because this manga is what convinced me to stop being so dependent on others and......   1 reply
17 01,2021
i got 28 upvotes (or whatever you call them) + me, for blatant trauma i suffered   2 reply
20 01,2021
09 01,2021
it feels like we have this debate every week, which just makes me sadder because i’m guessing it means no one can get facts like this into their head.   2 reply
09 01,2021
please tell me this is a joke   reply
07 02,2021