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crunchygarlicbread's answer page 2 (158)

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me but hotter   1 reply
10 01,2021
about question
love how cestelle is some nice micro celebrity here on mangago but it's been two years guys and some of you clearly haven't grown up   reply
21 07,2023
cute!   reply
10 01,2021
my lover has long brown hair and multicoloured eyes. she has rosy lips that look really kissable and always blushes and her ears and neck go red when she blushes too. she's a bit quiet and reserved but she's the most adorable person to ever exist. she also smells like vanilla. i love her with all my heart   2 reply
10 11,2020
why is she so hot   1 reply
10 02,2021
castrating penises. i read a manga with this. i bleached my eyes after that   4 reply
21 06,2020
i've been watching anime most of my life so i have to pick anime and there's always yuri and gl ;)   reply
26 07,2020
about question
Essay examples: Key Quotes:   reply
13 06,2021
you have all the hisoka stans coming after your ass now   reply
23 07,2020
no cliches bother me except for no prep. Omg, i can feel the uke's pain over the screen. LUBE IS THERE FOR A REASON   1 reply
21 06,2020
how to get a roblox girlfriend   reply
20 01,2021
I don't know what you mean by 'sexualise mom' but it's totally fine to like watching gay porn/ yaoi as long as you don't fetishize it. There are lot of people who are anti yaoi/ fujoshi and fudanshi but i think that only people who fetishize yaoi and ship irl males together are bad and toxic. I'm male but I also like reading yaoi. Hope this answer......   2 reply
22 06,2020
i am a weeb and will forever be alone :c   2 reply
11 01,2021
you could've given the link of the song instead of writing the lyrics lmao   reply
03 08,2020
off topic but SHIJIMA NOOO SOKO KARAA   2 reply
04 10,2020
vocaloid and v tubers   reply
04 08,2020
i am so fucking glad i'm not the only one   1 reply
19 06,2020
i am very good at simping   reply
12 12,2020
my acne -_-. i know it's stupid but everyone points it out. they make commments like 'you would be so much more handsome if you didn't have pimples'. i've tried every solution on this earth for acne. they just don't work ;(   4 reply
25 07,2020