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o.oniza's answer (6)

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about question
Bro is no one talking about the jelly clumps??? Is that normal??? I do not own a dick, btw (Oh, and I'm an adult) PS i'm sure when girls talk about their vagina stuffs, they are supposed to be a certain way to be considered not sick? Just asking sorry lol   reply
03 05,2021
Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lords and saviors.. ..The spn cast? (these two mainly, because #destiel) Thanks, out, byyyye   2 reply
04 05,2021
about have sex
Cis pan/bi woman here. 21 yo When I was 18 and was a virgin of both men and women I started dating a girl from my college (for 1 year), and tbh comparing to the boyfriend I got when I was 19-20 she was much better and knew what to do and look for, especially since the guy never once made me cum (or even tried to, he thought "girls didn't need to......   reply
29 05,2021
Portuguese, being what i speak everyday in my country, Portugal, therefore Spanish due to proximity lol! but I've taken classes in college, nonetheless.. English obviously, we all have classes since like 5th grade idek, but my knowledge is based on shit i read and watch online lol, as probably everyone else I''ve also had 3 years of french in 7th......   reply
03 05,2021
Watch Supernatural, get addicted on that, you'll find the meaning in there hahah   reply
21 05,2021