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Shuwilleatyourtoesfreeofcharge's answer (18)

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Ah,, yes we can have a nice chat about the holy bible and the time Moses got stuck in a waffle iron   reply
19 11,2020
about lmao
01 02,2021
We can call this S.A.D testing   1 reply
19 10,2020
15 05,2021
Gender - Female (but if you wanna refer to me differently please do) age - 14 UU favorite manga/manwha/anything else - "Ten count" and "Stigmata-Aikon"   2 reply
15 11,2020
I didn't think I missed ya guys, but Mangaowl is to quiet for me!! QnQ You guys act so stupid and some of you REALLY need help, but I'm glad we back up and running   1 reply
16 03,2021
about question
26 04,2021
about question
I wanna talk to the discord creator about a possible next zoom fest for everyone! Since people actually showed up and liked it,, I also wanna properly talk about movie/show suggestions :))) We will seeeee DISCORD:   reply
15 05,2021
Kirameku donna hoshi mo kimi o terasu karaaaaaaaaa~~~   reply
19 11,2020
I would most likely be the bitch to start the love triangle and eventually lose to the seme Hopefully I get my own spin-off love story with a side character   1 reply
18 11,2020
Ohhh I wanna sacrifice my life for someone else Like tackling a bank robber thats armed or throwing myself off a bridge while hugging a bomb   reply
18 11,2020
3/17 pspspspspspspsps birthday twin come find me edit: Soooo I share a birthday with Italy from hetalia :)   2 reply
19 10,2020
"Last Seven Days" for sure! i love so many other author but this manga is so special to me~~! (Please read it)   2 reply
15 02,2020
about question
It happened and you guys totally missed the whole think Q3Q   1 reply
15 05,2021
7 and 16 right hereee I doodle and never have any idea what the hell is happening   reply
07 12,2020 (The lullaby   reply
13 11,2020
I think I did really good considering you most of yall's   1 reply
11 03,2021