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jekjek's answer (7)

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I hope that you know this behaviours are NOT ALRIGHT . What you could try to do : - Try making a sign / note that you stick on front of the toilet when you're occupying it. Make sure it's BIG and OBVIOUS so there's no excuse for him not to know - Avoid him as much as possible. - If you can and are willing to, reject the money or any gifts he's......   reply
02 05,2021
about question
jekjek 05 02,2021
Well, I'm gonna answer the question seriously cause I can xD. Assuming you are a teenager of a female sex it's pretty normal to have bouts or consistent horniness. As you grow to be a teenager, your progesterone and estrogen starts to be "activated" causing all the stuff like periods, chest development or the desire to have sex (horniness lol) But ......   1 reply
05 02,2021
only if I looked good in short hair-   reply
03 05,2021
Happy belated birthday!! I hope you're doing better now but if your not that's fine too :3 ur mum and other relatives were being little b1tches and what they did was not okay. (I hope I can send you a gift or something but for obvious reasons I can't) So I just wish you know there's someone out here that knows u deserve a gift :))   reply
30 04,2021
about question
"Master, with all due respect, please stop consuming boys love and revise for your upcoming test."   reply
13 04,2021
jekjek 01 05,2021
uwu   reply
01 05,2021
about lmao
I'm a sophomore and many of my friends take debate classes and compete so I know a bit. Some tips for debate : 1) Debate is about convincing people that what your saying is right. So twist facts and statistics to emphasise you're point. 2) Have a confident tone, if you don't be confident and clear in your manner of speech you'll seem unsure with wh......   1 reply
11 04,2021