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Shounen Ai Memes (S.A.M)'s answer (18)

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Straight A's (for those who aren't American, basically perfect grades). Shit's so overrated, and it fucks you up mentally.   7 reply
04 09,2020
Can't stand it whenever people comment under a manga shit like oh I wish this was smut/yaoi. I much prefer shounen ai over yaoi. (Oh wait hey that's two unpopular opinions) Pretty sure no one else agrees with me here lol   4 reply
30 08,2020
So no one gonna talk about the seme from 10 Years Where I Loved You the Most? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸   2 reply
30 06,2020
Hey! I wanna learn languages too! I can help you out if you'd like. Let me know if you'd like me to help!   1 reply
21 06,2020
Well welcome to the art community! We're happy to have you (as long as you're not toxic to other artists). Digital Art Tips: -Get to know all or as many features as you can on your drawing app such as comic templates, panels, and brushes. -Have a drawing tablet of some sort with a stylus of some sort. I have an Apple iPad with an Apple Pencil, and......   1 reply
04 08,2020
I've felt that a lot when I was younger.   reply
26 06,2020
Sup. Another fellow native English speaker. I wanna learn both Japanese and Korean (I'm interested in learning languages in general). I've learned very little Japanese, but I haven't been practicing so I'm kinda rusty. I've been studying Spanish since I was around 9 years old so I think I'm pretty good at it. (I don't have LINE though...:()   reply
21 01,2020
Hello there! I absolutely understand where you're coming from. (I'm kind of an introvert myself lol, and I also just finished my 2nd year of high school!) I have some tips on how to make friends that help me. Hope these help!: Be confident in yourself/have a decent amount of self-confidence. Self-confidence is a very attractive trait to have becau......   1 reply
20 06,2020
I could honestly talk about me all day lmaoo, so I'll just try to talk about me as a comparison with your response: I'm a person who is pretty satisfied with myself. I'm somewhat lazy (depends on what I'm working on), and I have a little sister. I'm, mostly, an introvert. I'm also not shy. There are times where I don't like people, but I just pref......   1 reply
20 06,2020
Self love is not only being able to accept your strengths and your flaws, but being able to embrace them. I don't even like to think of myself in terms of strengths and flaws; I like to think of myself in terms of traits, whether they're personality, physical, etc., each having their benefits and downsides, and being able to use all of my traits to......   reply
06 08,2020
Hello! I absolutely understand where you're coming from! Usually when I give recommendations to people, I always like to ask them what they've read so far. This is to help me get an idea of what you're looking for in terms of art, character development, genres, etc. and also so I don't recommend you manga you've already read lol. So it would be hel......   2 reply
25 06,2020
Yes. When I was in 7th grade, I was nice to this guy who was generally disliked by pretty much everyone else. During class, he would poke my boobs with a pencil if he sat next to me and if he sat across from me, he would use his feet to spread out my legs and push his foot in between my legs. He stopped after I whispered it to him one time. I told ......   2 reply
19 01,2020
Damn, sorry about your whole mom situation. And I'm gonna answer the question: My sister, my dad, and I, around last year during winter break for school (so around December and January), visited my grandmother. While my dad and sister were doing something or whatever, my grandma wanted me to come with her to some organization meeting. While we ......   1 reply
30 05,2020
Happy to see other aces! I'm ace, but still confirming my romantic orientation. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ (more specifically, I think I most identify with being apothisexual-don't do sex because I think sex is gross lmaoo) (I'm putting this answer because I literally see no one else with my type of answer lmaoo)   1 reply
04 08,2020
I'm just gonna list one: ACCEL WORLD! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
08 10,2020
I'm down, but in terms of BL, I only read shounen ai lmao. Also if you see an invitation along the lines of nikkidrez that would be me.   reply
25 01,2020
I first found this website in 2018. The first manga I've ever read was Strobe Edge by Io Sakisaka. The first manga I've read on here, I think, was A Guy Like You.   reply
13 02,2020
For whoever is interested in seeing a bit of my art and can't access my Instagram: here you go: The first artwork shows a full-body and a pose I drew. The second artwork is what I consider to be my best artwork to date. The third artwork is actually a scrapped thumbnail I made for a Webtoon I wanted to do. This is probably more of what you would se......   reply
17 05,2020