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Meee's answer (9)

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@gloglaglen french is my first language, soo yeah   reply
03 06,2020
about crying
I was at the hospital... rip   2 reply
16 03,2021
@ityttmoon   reply
30 08,2020
@byby.gloglaglen   1 reply
01 06,2020
We can be friends ! my discord id is ityttmoon#0982   reply
29 07,2020
@byby.gloglaglen Thank you !   1 reply
13 05,2020
08 07,2020
Can i join too ? i'm a writer and a fanfiction writer :) my discord is ityttmoon#0982 and my ig is ityttmoon thank you :)   reply
08 07,2020
I am born in France. But I live in Canada. Why do I feel like most of the people here are from Canada? I am sowwy for my bad english   1 reply
30 04,2020
23 01,2020
sure, i do talk french   reply
23 01,2020