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Dayeliza's answer page 1 (27)

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I’m here to defend the absolute SAVAGE uke from love is an illusion the man had priorities and love wasn’t one of em. He was looking for that cash   18 reply
21 07,2020
Nahhh I never really did. It sounds like a magic fantasy book that’s trying really hard not to seem like a magic fantasy book. Also once I started to learn and watch YouTube videos about the history of the world, none of that bible shit made anyyyyy sense, one of it aligns with science and even if he is real, I wouldn’t ever stand with e Chris......   reply
08 05,2021
Simple, the answer is don’t️   1 reply
02 08,2020
I’ve been WAITING for this one he’s from good day to go crazy   1 reply
20 07,2020
about question
10 06,2021
What helps me during a breakdown is I start recording myself crying and then I realize I look so stupid and it kinda brings me back to reality somehow idk it genuinely helps me but it could make it worse for some people idk   reply
10 06,2021
about have sex
I genuinely don’t see how it’s possible to fetishize Yaoi. Like it’s literally fiction, they’re literally characters or did y’all forget that. They don’t exist. Lesbian porn is harmful because ur fetishizing real people. But like fake imaginary characters?   2 reply
06 09,2020
A hot dude No nakey Cute This is as close to anime as it gets A dude you have a crush on A strange dude   5 reply
09 09,2020
12 06,2021
I don’t like seeing a man and a woman do the deed, maybe it’s cuz I can’t imagine it without there being a power imbalance   1 reply
12 06,2021
about question
Tbh that sounds like ur depressed. I’d recommend going outside deadass and enjoying nature or something yoga is actually really helpful and meditation or find something u enjoy like swimming.   reply
05 06,2021
08 09,2020
Still got bitches that’ll ride me like I’m appa ay they say opposites attract fuck that I’m just tryna break your back   reply
08 09,2020
I don’t believe that being homosexual is a culture, and while I do think fetishsizing homos are bad, these are just fictional stories and ‘cartoons’ at the end of the day, and I don’t see much fetishsizing. If this was porn hub maybe it’d be a different story   2 reply
27 06,2020
U guys I think they weren’t being serious   reply
21 08,2020
I really jus don’t know if I’m bi or not. It’s so hard for me to tell. I’ve never had like an actual crush on a girl, but seeing how I live in a small town and don’t like any of the girls and surround myself w extremely straight girls that might be why. But I’ve looked at girls and been like ‘that’s my type’ like instinctively. An......   1 reply
02 08,2020
some people just lack compassion LOL they don't understand or care to understand how the word makes people feel. Its the same thing w using the f slur, I'm gay but I don't feel comfortable saying the f slur   reply
24 11,2020
Yah, and I will do it again, thanks for the reminder   reply
06 06,2021
More like frustration first I find out I’m bi a year ago which I was completely fine w but now I’m starting to think I’m comphet I spent 18 years of my life focusing solely on men and this whole time I was just addicted to their attraction cuz society taught me and self awareness won’t stop my addiction? I might not even b comphet cuz I’v......   reply
15 07,2021
about question
16 07,2021
I’d u grab a paper towel and put it over the spider and press ur hands around the spider tight and slowly start tucking all the long ends hot dog style then roll it up like a tootsie roll (tightly airy the spider in there) u can safe escort the spider outside (depending on its size)   reply
16 07,2021
I heard this news story and a sex worker killed any man who would mistreat her Daniel she was getting paid and she ended up killing 7 men over the course of like a year but in the interview they called her a murder but TECHNICALLY that is self defense   1 reply
18 04,2021
Tbh I watched porn in like maybe grade school and had noooo clue what was going on. I thought cum was milk and I was like ?? I didn’t know u weren’t supposed to watch porn tho cause my dukbass friend showed it to me and I watched like lesbian bdsm in my parents room like they were movies then my parents found out and I was like ‘what   2 reply
23 08,2020