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KiiWasabii's answer (20)

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Absolutely Killua, he is bebi boy!   reply
10 07,2020
Capture it and sell it to science for a hefty sum   reply
18 11,2020
When I was like 8 I wrote a love confession letter to my best friend at the time. On the front I -... kissed the note with red lipstick as a seal... GOOD THING I SHOWED IT TO MY MOM AND WAS LIKE "mommy does this look alright?". I can't with myself, good thing my mom cringed so hard she stopped me from having to look back at this now when I'm an adu......   1 reply
18 07,2020
about question
M-maybe they are nice lmao My sapphic arse is okay with marrying fish lady Wow- guess I'm looking all tall, dark and enderman   reply
25 05,2021
Become a "lucky child" and get build into a construction like a tower or a castle to bless it... it's both horrible and you become like a Kinder Suprise Egg   1 reply
31 10,2020
Don't ship irl people, it's not fun. Don't justefie it by thinking it's okay just because you now know he's gay. Being shipped with someone you don't like feels disgusting. I've been shipped with a friend of mine by a weird girl in middle school, I personally felt very grossed out. OP, I think you are being very insensitive and I hope you reali......   reply
16 07,2020
Adult woman who looks like 13 so I have to wear high heels, revealing clothing and glasses to look my age. A bit introverted but nothing that complicates my everyday life. The things I love the most are my mom, my friends, my cats, drawing/writing, reading manhwa and manga. I work as a game-writer, which is basically building up storytelling and d......   1 reply
20 06,2020
about question
Smh.   reply
03 06,2021
I am SO okay with this!!!   reply
14 11,2020
Do I have to kill someone before I go to the "anime/manga world" or is it when I'm in the other world I'm forced to kill someone to stay?!   1 reply
07 08,2020
I don't shave depending on the clothes I wear. There was also a time in high school when I didn't shave and got kinda harassed into doing it. But I don't really shave unless it's my armpits, I'm a wax person.   reply
10 07,2020
Cry a bit. See if i got a big dick. Look like a dude in a dress cause I have work 5 days a week and goes out on the weekends. I ONLY OWN SHORT DRESSES AND HIGH HEALS!!!   1 reply
08 07,2020
Gummy boi goes out to sea with friends to find all of their dreams. Don't believe me when I say I've cried multiple times over this manga? WELL YOU'RE WRONG!!! Watch me cry when their friend told everyone she wanted to live after telling them it was best if she died, when they burned their ship, my favorite character's brother died, aaaalll of the ......   1 reply
21 06,2020
That's a no from me dawg... even if it's fiction it's making every cell in me commit seppuku   reply
10 06,2020
I want to eat fast food but thanks to the plauge; I'm stuck at home eating healthy...   5 reply
01 08,2020
Nope never! I don't fall in love easily and if I do get a crush; it's often a person who's already a close friend... I value friendship over relationships.   1 reply
25 06,2020
I'm 19 irl and through the test results I'm apparently mentally 21... seems about right!   reply
10 06,2020