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Bonnetwearer5670's answer (6)

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about question
try to get them help. I don't think it is possible to just start hating a person after all of that... if they really want to cause harm or enjoy people being harmed then all I can do is to try to help them correct themselves. plus if you just let them go I think they'll probably hate said group even more. isn't that in a way being there for them at......   2 reply
22 04,2024
Add   4 reply
23 days
Dragonfruit!   1 reply
04 05,2024
about question
don't know if this is the type of thing you might like, but check out 'even monsters like fairytales' it's pretty good   reply
06 02,2024
Idk how to say green but something similar is probably this: Mommy rẹ dabi ewe.   reply
09 03,2024
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!   reply
21 12,2023