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Kata's answer (9)

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I will go insane (T_T i don't have any back up either. Please it's too cruel for me to think about it. People here's so nice too, the uploader too, also the comment section too. I will cry for sure (/TДT)/   reply
03 07,2020
I came here for the first time to see this hot daddy   2 reply
05 12,2020
I gave my first kiss to a senior which i don't like. It's still haunt me everytime i see him ╥﹏╥   reply
08 08,2020
Kata 16 01,2021
I made friends throught a shooting game that had voice on. He's from diffrent country and we both still learning english. It was nice talking with him so we exchanged ig. But i don't play that game anymore i quite sad cause we rarely communicate but still follow in ig. I read a lot of comment in this site that they become friend somehow but not to......   2 reply
16 01,2021
Hmm hotman badass looks but with cutey heart (sorry if isn't make sanse but i like it) With sharp eyes and little curly hair. The skin not too fair he must tall at least 185 cm, i like boy who wears glasses and piercing they ears or eyebrow. I dont like the body looks like body builder just fits body looks fine. And the eyes it's ill'be beautifull ......   1 reply
13 06,2020
Kata 25 11,2020
I likes bio, art and PE   reply
25 11,2020
I'm a weeb n pround of it. It may sound crazy but one day i feel so lonely and ask my senior to be my bf. I thought it'll be nice since we had same hobby. I try to like him but it didn't end happily so we broke up, i'm sorry i so immature back then i don't know if dating it's something complicated. I feel guilty until know ╥﹏╥   1 reply
08 08,2020
Kata 14 09,2020
Hiii   reply
14 09,2020
I knew BL when i was in high school (my friend invt me to watch BL thai "make it right the series" n "lovesick"), before that i believed i was straight. I fine with LGBT before that but never takes initiative to find out. I thought the movie was good it's make my heart pounding twice and fangirling scream rather than straight Kdrama (and maybe beca......   1 reply
13 06,2020