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yogoyo's answer (18)

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about crying
16 03,2021
16 03,2021
01 09,2020
I saw it when I was 16 and laughed bcs it was small. Dad was too embarrassed to dare to ask me why i laugh   reply
01 09,2020
Why tf some people simp for Bakugou, he's pathetic   3 reply
30 08,2020
I can't even listen, too cringe to hear someone whispering in my ear pretending to be an anime character, and the voice to be just SO wrong. If it was the character's voice actor, maybe, but otherwise just no   1 reply
30 08,2020
I miss my lover man ╥﹏╥   3 reply
30 08,2020 I can't ~   1 reply
03 02,2021
Yeah, depression is a serious problem, but honestly I heard so many teenagers and even kids with depression, wanting attention, that I had enough of this shit   1 reply
01 10,2020
25 06,2020
Someone's back is going to be destroyed, and yeah, it will be weird af if they animate those parts. Ngl I'll still watch   reply
25 06,2020
Well, the rape is frequent (like high school in all manga). About the porn thing, if you pay some attention, yaoi is porn by definition, it's like you are saying in hentai the characters are just fucking. If you want love go and read just shōnen ai or shoujo, or maybe you find a list with yaoi who has less sex and stuff, but even in the slowest ya......   1 reply
09 05,2020
18 09,2020
Interview with a Murderer Idk, read it and made me laugh, especially near the ending Ps: the cover is ugly lol   1 reply
30 08,2020
As a source of memes it was hella good And as a horror story too ngl   reply
05 01,2021
Hey to the ones that just exist, they don't like anybody, nobody likes them or so (just joking :)) Anyway it's so f*cking strange because all the people are attracted to somebody, have a crush, and I'm just there, not straight, not bi not anything, loving cats and animals in general. Please someone who felt like this tell me they found love or some......   2 reply
09 03,2020
about dating
If she's making you feel uncomfortable, and she's not compromising when you decide to do stuff and about the dog (this is a serious problem don't say otherwise), I'm sorry to say but you're not meant to be. If you've been with her for about 4 months this is enough to give you an idea about who she is (it is known that people usually can fake their ......   reply
10 05,2020
16 09,2020
I don't even care you rick rolled me, I listened the whole thing anyway(⌒▽⌒)   reply
16 09,2020
I got...... HAHA it's just an easy dumb test and you can manipulate the answer if you already know the possibilities Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) You get what you want, just think lmfao   reply
06 05,2020
It's time for the horny to wake up (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   1 reply
15 01,2021