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pearlywaters's answer page 12 (234)

Sort: Newest / Hottest was it this??   1 reply
01 07,2020
I've dropped See You Again and Surviving As A Maid. See You Again was too much to handle for me and I felt like if I kept on reading Surviving As A Maid I'm just gonna feel a huge amount of sadness and anger even though I already know that the queen dies.   reply
04 06,2020
I dropped Hogu Hagyeongsu for obvious reasons... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ But now I am obsessed with Love Shuttle and I'm just praying to God that nothing bad happens to Doyun or Taehan   reply
17 06,2020
i would be the floor so i could be stepped on ヾ(☆▽☆)   1 reply
08 08,2020
I'd ask Cain to kill me ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
19 08,2020
the last time i had a "good" cry was in july or august. i'm pretty similar to you except for only tearing up, getting angry and the positive part i guess? my way of being positive is being dumb and in denial. whenever i experience something overwhelming, its either i cry or i become anxious and/or suicidal. when i do cry, its not a good cry. the cr......   reply
10 12,2020
ask them to kill me and replace me   reply
05 08,2020
its your choice whether you want to send nudes or not. the thing where your friends say that your bf will look at other guys/women for sexual relief is, idk.. it doesn't bother me but it might bother others. its not like he's cheating if he looks at other things/watches porn. then again, i've never been in a relationship so i'm not sure.   reply
12 07,2020
pearlywaters 29 10,2020
male + female = baby?   reply
29 10,2020   reply
27 12,2020
oops meant to put is trans*   reply
29 12,2020
I'm never gonna try find out what they think because I go to a religious school ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
24 06,2020
Piece Of Shit   2 reply
17 05,2020
regret finding mangago because now i'm addicted to my phone and my eyesight is going bad   2 reply
10 09,2020