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pearlywaters's answer page 4 (234)

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pearlywaters 08 11,2020
orcs bride and anything from that author   reply
08 11,2020
disappearing with everyone forgetting about me and not knowing I ever existed   1 reply
13 01,2021
Guys btw if you don't have any money to support blm, type up "zoe amira" on youtube and watch the video without skipping any ads. It will help a lot.   reply
02 06,2020
@spoopy mushroom cloud, she/he/they are just the most wholesome person on this site and they have a star x fanboy cult   1 reply
07 10,2020
its basically sexualising kids (or manga characters that are kids) and some loli/shota make it seem as if children want to have sex which they don't. I can understand that children can be curious about sex but no. Also fiction can affect reality especially if young people read this stuff.   reply
17 06,2020
is this what the religion of the dog god is?   reply
03 09,2020
run away from home and avoid both sangwoo and that rapist uncle edit: wait i realised i'm not bum so i guess i'd just avoid all the characters   reply
30 08,2020
my reason to live is this (▰˘◡˘▰) which means i'm mainly living for the materialistic things in the world but who cares? i don't have any goals so i'm just gonna have fun with the only hobby my boring personality has   reply
23 10,2020
nobody understands me... they're all idiots.. i'm sick of all the alpha males acting like they own the place.. they're no match for me, a sigma.. but as a sigma..i'll go my own path and not waste time on them. #sigma #ligma #grindset #society society is fucked... all women want nowadays are big dick chads.. they don't want nice men.. whatever, at ......   reply
19 07,2021
are you a test paper because i'm gonna cheat on you   1 reply
05 09,2020
about question
i recently thought that 10x10x10 was 300   1 reply
28 05,2021
For me it was when my mother called me "mentally ill" because back then I disliked my sister and I didn't like how she was comparing me to her. Now I'd rather be compared to my sister than my mother. The issue which caused her to say that wasn't even that big of a deal. All I did was wear wet socks because I was in a rush to find a pair. I didn't k......   reply
08 06,2020
I'm very unorganized so lately I've been organizing my stuff regularly   reply
28 06,2020
*sniff* "you smell like shit"   reply
30 10,2020
Genos and many other characters from opm   reply
29 06,2020
ik there is no actual evidence that he's the one but i just thought i should put this here   1 reply
03 09,2020
i feel the same but for some dumb reason i feel more sympathy and empathy for manga characters   1 reply
09 07,2020
tiring and meaningless   1 reply
03 10,2020
ah um i'm definitely doing it in the future   reply
29 12,2020