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Fangtasia's answer page 3 (44)

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Nana. I've watched the anime, the movies and read the manga. It's an emotional roller coaster. It's my number one. I really wish the author woulld get back to contuing it, because she had stopped because of health issues and thankfully she's fine now. It's a rare gem; this manga.   reply
13 04,2020
about question
I play Diablo Immortal (big storage for this one) and Bloodlines. I stopped playing Final Fantasy: A New Empire and Nations of Darkness about a week ago. And before that I used to play Monopoly and Pet Rescue.   reply
06 05,2024
I can't pick just one cause my favorite colors are three. Hues of red, blue and the mermaid color we can buy to paint our nails that keeps changing a bit. Love these colors.   reply
02 12,2023