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Kai-chan's answer (11)

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Cry then end my life cuz Im too poor to afford the official chapter   1 reply
12 08,2023
Other people has weird screenshots but this is just so cute. Lol.   2 reply
06 02,2021
Kai-chan 16 12,2023
U made me think so hard and I still can't come up with an answer ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍   reply
16 12,2023
I was confessed by people too when I was in high school and never had a thought of accepting them. That's when I realize im Aro/Ace. So whenever someone ask me, I tell them Im lesbian because thats easier to understand   reply
29 10,2023
Wtf. Im just 18 nearing 19. Its me laying in bed btw.   reply
10 04,2021
Kai-chan 22 01,2021
I have trust issues and can't control myself sometimes. Lol.   reply
22 01,2021
Lol. Im currently listening to vocaloid (=・ω・=)   reply
20 08,2023
Fount this on tiktok and wanna read this. Anyone who've read this laready, is this good?   2 reply
30 12,2023
I've never thought of that but what traumatized me was sleeping beside them and they're doing it which wakes me up. Multiple times. That's when I got a habit of wearing earphones and blasting some music before I sleep. I would also leave the room when Im with them.   1 reply
04 04,2024
Im crying. I got Bum   1 reply
12 08,2023