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d^=b[,7''s answer page 1 (117)

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Um congrats. I guess?   1 reply
22 08,2020
Definitely Tatsuyuki from Scarlet Beriko's series, Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki. I mean look at that sexiness and overflowing hotness arghh   reply
26 05,2020
Whenever I see posts like that, I was always like "WHUT? ARE U TRYIN TO SHUT US DOWN?" So I think a reminder like this should be posted at least once a week to remind the readers not to flaunt this site everywhere. Like seriously.   1 reply
27 06,2020
Dunno if he's considered seme since its shounen ai but dude, none other than---   1 reply
14 06,2020
This happened 10 years ago in my former school. A high school student stayed after class for some school activities. A day later, her parents notified the school that she didnt return home. No one knows where her whereabouts are, neither can anyone contact her. After some time, a janitor who was in charge on the 5th floor of a college building chec......   2 reply
17 07,2020
Luffy. Just becoz I want to laugh all day and at the same time I love that strong energy around him when it comes to justice, freedom and dreams.   1 reply
24 08,2020
I guess its time to use the magic phrase I've been seeing for ages: "FICTION IS FICTION" or "THIS IS ONLY FICTION". There. Done it.   reply
24 08,2020
Quarantine is so boring I end up clicking and reading this sht.   1 reply
25 08,2020
And you've forgot to mention, this siteis roaming on some groups on fb. Yep I saw it w/ my own two eyes. Some weirdos took a screencap of their recs list w/the mangago logo and posted it like its the most natural thing in the world. And let me tell you, hundreds and thousands could see that post. And i was likeee gdnsjwjbshgsnn!!! WHY DO U HAVE TO ......   reply
27 06,2020
My name is Bond. James bond.   reply
29 08,2020
Procrastinating and cowardice   reply
09 08,2020
You can say what you want or comment what you like (even offensive ones) if you really insist BUT take responsibility of the consequences. Period.   reply
28 08,2020
Maybe you posted a question or a topic on the mainpage's comment section that is not related to manga.   reply
23 08,2020
Healthy characters, well-crafted plot, consent, communication, and of course LOVE especially if its meant to be romance.   reply
12 07,2020
I have to say that I got to the point of just getting directly into the ending coz its just so disturbing in all aspects-- well the genre says it all. Not that I am questioning those who like this psycho horror gore type of series, I mean yeah we have our preferences. What I cant understand is how can some really ship Sangwoo and Bum? I WAS LIKE.. ......   reply
23 06,2020
Nothing beats the coolness and cuteness bteween these 4 dudes.   reply
23 06,2020
We have our preferences so I respect you on that. Have you heard of Junji Ito? He is a japanese horror mangaka and I tell you his mangas are no joke. But he is a warm person. I tend to like psychological or tragedies as well when I'm in the mood. Well most of the time I am not cos I am an emotional ass creature. Lol What amazes me are the mangakas ......   2 reply
30 08,2020