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Cha Cha's answer (5)

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about question
I like the aspect of not being able to control the situation while being in control behind the scenes at the same time and this is only achieved by roleplay in real life imo. Therefore another escape route is reading comics about it because you are in control when you are reading it. Thats a personal experience of mine tho.   2 reply
24 04,2024
Cha Cha
06 09,2023
no, I think most of them are oppressing women and kind of hate them!   7 reply
06 09,2023
about question
english turkish and french~ ı can understand some italian and I recently got interested in german !   reply
23 08,2023
103..... I use a different browser app only for this site....   reply
01 05,2024
Lmao yeah. It was kinda soft realy doesn't surprise me since I always use my own boobs as a stress ball........   reply
31 05,2021