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huan huan's question (1)

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SO, I just realized that I'm basically threatening men (?) as a fetish (????).

Okay let's go with some context.

I was watching some random videos on YT and in most of them there are teenagers, and, when looking at the males I was like "wow that's was so gay", but, like, for EVERYTHING THEY DID.
I know this is weird and gross and I don't know what to do??? I obviously not gonna make it out, calling someone gay in front of them like this or being insisting. But I also want to look at men without these thoughts. I'M LAUGHING A BIT BUT HELP AKSNEIMSO

Note 1: I'm not a woman, actually, I'm a gay man;

Note 2: This NEVER happened before. I just do normal things like calling my friends gay because make them angry, like these stupid childish jokes, you guys know what I'm talking about.
28 07,2020