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homeslice's question (4)

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SO LIKE BACKGROUND: im a girl and ive noticed this upperclassman of mine and shes like so chill and we were in the same geometry class a few years ago. we got to know each other bc we kinda have the same name LOL (same pronunciation but different spelling oop) and like my sexuality is quaking bc everytime i see her she makes me SWOON. today i was at a restaurant and i saw her working there and i got excited so i went up and said hi. she kinda just said hi and went away and i was like shiit maybe i shouldnt have said anything. but then when i went to get my order she was at the checkout and she gave me a free cookie like one of those freshly made and melts in your mouth ones and i was like ???? wtf and she just shrugged and said it was a gift and told me to hide it and BITCH SHE WAS SO CHILL ABT IT TOO UGH AND SHES ONE OF THOSE QUIET PEOPLE WHO JUST MINDS THEIR OWN BUSINESS AWW IS THIS A GIRL CRUSH OR???? SHE GRADUATED SO THAT SUCKS SHOULD I ASK HER OUT ANYWAYS LIKE WE DONT TALK UNLESS WE RUN INTO EACH OTHER BUT SHIIII SHES SO OOMF
22 07,2021
about question
31 01,2021
Do yall ever just get tired of your locals like i have so much i wanna talk about. like when i first discovered mdzs i was crying bc the story was so good and i watched and listened all the adaptations to the story and recommended it to every person i know but nobody took interest in it.
31 01,2021
i wanna buy some cheap stuff online since its quarantine but idk where. i heard about shein and yesstyle but i also heard they were unreliable so idk please rec sum.
04 05,2021
i wanna draw sumn but idk what pass some ideas please it can be as detailed as you want or fanart idk im just feeling unmotivated
02 05,2021