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anko's question (2)

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I think it would be great to find out the demographic of manga readers on this site (=・ω・=) I also think that it makes sence to try to find friends that are from the same country to be able to actually meet up in real life and not just write each other on social media ┗( T﹏T )┛
I am from Czech republic ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
08 02,2021
Hello, I'm in age where I should date and get married but I think that I'm happy just hanging out with friend without boyfriend. However, I know I would like to date, but I know that I have always been like this and if I don't change myself, I will forever stay alone. I know having a boyfriend would be great, but I'm afraid it will end badly and that it's a closeness I'm not ready for. Btw: recently, I found out my long-term best friend doesn't care about me at all and had to cut her out of my life, because I was expecting her to be there for me in my hard times and she just didn't care to do that so I think that experience also doesn't help. Anyone who currently have/had the same experience? How did you overcome it?
21 12,2023