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thelethalninjakitty's answer (6)

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about nosebleed
I personally prefer Eisuke long-term, but both are solid picks. Soryu is the strong silent type while Eisuke is the haught ore-sama type.   reply
06 07,2021
Midorikawa Yuki, the mangaka for Natsume Yuujincho and Hotarubi no Mori E   2 reply
01 05,2020
I am a middle child, but I honestly feel like my dad (who raised me and my siblings primarily) treated all of us like crap. If one person fucked up, we were all essentially punished. I definitely fell that my older brother and younger brother got a lot of the attention. My dad would always set up extra curricular activities (like football for my ol......   1 reply
27 04,2020
about dating
If the relationship is no longer building up your character, then it would be best to end it for both your sakes. Maybe you both need to grow independently as humans first. If your partner does not have your best interest in mind, then in my opinion, it's no longer worth trying to talk to a brick wall.   2 reply
11 05,2020   reply
10 05,2020