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Jessy's answer (4)

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The whole "sitting in chairs thing" and "fingerguns" were a joke, it's just that a lot of bisexuals do it. It all comes down to whether or not you feel attracted to the same gender and the opposite gender (even genders outside of the spectrum). But yes, some people can think they are bisexual when in fact, they re straight. It's apart of life, some......   1 reply
09 06,2020
Okay, so I go to an all girls school, and she's the reason I realized I was Bisexual, so here we go. I'll call her L for lesbian, as I'm thankful to know she is one (or death note, lol) and she is definitely one of a kind. When I first came to like her, I was in denial and thought it was just because we were friends, but it happened in stages, firs......   reply
01 07,2020
Yeah, he was kind of popular and asked me out while going back to class from P.E. I wasn't interested in him because he isn't my type and tries too hard to act cool, when he's not. Thankfully, we went to different schools after moving to grammar school.(▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
01 07,2020
No, I don't think so. Fujoshi's can come at me, I don't care, but yaoi is fetishizing gay relationships. Making them somethign they're not. Straight girls getting off of that stuff and finding it "arousing" is fetishization. Also, yaoi romantisizes a lot of abuse and such, especially r@pe. As someone who is WLW, it disgusts me and makes me uncomfo......   6 reply
09 06,2020