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Koenigsbrd's answer (2)

Sort: Newest / Hottest
top: 99% sadist and rigger 94% non-monogamist 91% owner 89% degrader 81% dominant 78% primal 76% master/mistress 74% switch 62% experimentalist 56% masochist bottom: 1% exhibitionist and voyeour 0% ageplayer and boy/girl would be fun to meet other fellow sadists/doms to befriend   reply
29 09,2018
I don't delete my history because this is my personal computer and if anyone wants to use it, they're welcome to the "Guests" account (ノ^o^)ノ I use incognito for stuff I don't ever want anyone to see... like myreadingmanga things I read, omg. I don't even want to see it again myself LOL When I was younger and lived with my parents, and had n......   reply
02 01,2017