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SugarySugar's answer page 2 (46)

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Yes There was this guy that I was getting involved with, we weren't dating but we had feelings for each other and we both knew that sooner or later we'd be official...until I told him about yaoi. He isn't a homophobe but it made him VERY uncomfortable and he kept saying things like "that gay shit" and "why are you so fucked up" very rudely. I figur......   1 reply
16 08,2017
I wouldn't be angry, probably just disappointed or hurt. Like, if it's my birthday, put SOME effort and thought into it. And I don't even like McDonald's. I'll eat there if I'm on a road trip or if I don't have very many choices but other than that I rarely ever go to it.   1 reply
17 01,2017
18 and a virgin. I'm not really bothered by it, however I would like to lose it in college to someone special.   2 reply
16 06,2017
Fuck no. The thought has never even crossed my mind (as far as I can remember). Also, how the hell does killing yourself/someone else gives you/them happiness. They're dead, they don't feel happiness. Their suffering may have ended but they'll never know that, will they (unless you believe in life after death).   reply
07 12,2016
Yeah I noticed that too...maybe mangas just skip over the post breakup scenes? I'm not sure, but I feel like in real life the majority of the people out there avoid dating for at least a few weeks, and maybe months or years depending on how committed they were.   reply
13 01,2017
Freak out, then calm down and jack off Then find myself a hot, muscular guy to drill ;D   1 reply
24 04,2017
I think I'm about the same as you. I'm OK with rape, incest, bdsm, necrophilia and things like that. For rape, I don't mind as long as it isn't one of those rape=love stories, where the person who has been raped is just like "oh he raped me because he loved me so it's ok." Things I HATE: -the things you said (apart from necrophilia, which I'm kind......   reply
06 10,2016
Ok I'm gonna be brutally honest with you. You're fucking rude. You call people bitches for complaining a little? Do you actually respond SO rudely to negative comments? You say that people who comment that art is bad or translations are bad are bitches, but here you are saying even worse shit right back at them. You're no better than them. If someo......   1 reply
05 08,2016
Sort of...we confessed to each other at the same time I guess? We were having a really deep conversation about our friendship (we were VERY close) and one thing led to another and we sorta admitted that we liked each other in THAT way. But...6 months later I found out he had a girlfriend before we even started dating. Needless to say we broke up.   reply
06 08,2016
Hmmm, I'm, not completely against the idea of being married but idk, I just can't see myself settling down for good with someone. However, if I end up getting pregnant, I will 100% want to marry the father. I just don't think it's right for the kid to not to have their real father around, in my opinion.   1 reply
30 12,2016
I managed to convince my friend to stay alive a little longer by reminding her of all the things she's good at. Her grades, her class rank, the colleges that accepted her, and all her talents. When a person is depressed, they tend to forget all the good things about themselves and only focus on their negatives, and so I tried to get her mind off th......   reply
10 01,2017
Of course there are MANY moments I cringe at, but right now the #1 for me is when the seme or uke overreacts or underreacts. For overreacts, I once saw a seme hurt his hand or something and the uke starting BAWLING and wanted to call an ambulance and I thought 'dude...chill.' For underreacts, I've seen a number of mangas where one of them cheats o......   4 reply
31 07,2016
Quite often! If you mean crying out of sadness, the ones I think that might've effected me the most were Itou-san, The Specific Heat Capacity of Love, and Inheritance of Aroma. Even if I see a tragedy or sad tag, I'll forget about it while I'm reading and then when I get to the sad part I silently curse myself for thinking I'll be able to handle it......   1 reply
31 07,2016
Weak, pathetic ukes that just accept everything how it is. It's so cringeworthy. Also, overly possessive, rapist, douchey semes that don't let the uke do anything. And extreme height differences, it seems too unrealistic. So basically, I like yaoi where the seme and uke see each other as equals   reply
16 06,2016
My worst fears often change, but for the past few years the only thing I am really worried about is not getting into the college I want/not having a good future. It may seem really lame and stupid to some people but I am legit scared, considering how my GPA and class rank are hanging by a thread. And now that I am in 12th grade, I'm constantly ter......   1 reply
09 09,2016
SugarySugar 22 01,2017 this one?   1 reply
22 01,2017
Trust me, you won't turn gay by reading yuri. I read yuri whenever I find one that's really good, and I'm still not into girls. Besides, if you read yuri, you'll start shipping hot girls too :D And hey, being christain does not mean they're homophobic! I know plenty of people who are both christain AND gay! Of course, everyone is different so I don......   3 reply
07 07,2017
SAO...Ok so when I first watched it, I liked it, but looking back at it, I can't remember why I liked it. It had an excellent setting and SO much potential, but it's like the makers started with a great plot but just gave up as it went along. Also, the romance in it was kinda stupid. I thought that they'd be so much better as rivals. When they beca......   reply
12 06,2016
17 years old, high school senior :) Introverted and shy as fuck. I'm kinda confused about my orientation, I believe I may be asexual tho. I'm originally from India, but I have lived in Canada for half my life and in USA for the other half (and Egypt and Libya for several years in between). I wanna be a doctor in the future, I'm not sure what kind ......   reply
11 01,2017
17 years old and I have yet to kiss someone :'(   2 reply
12 06,2016