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SugarySugar's answer page 3 (46)

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Only all the time! I have soooo many ideas...unfortunately, I can't draw manga for shit. I can't draw anything actually. I'm an awful artist. And even tho I have many ideas, I'm not good at executing them, as in I can't form it into a decent story and piece it all together like authors can do. That's why I resort to writing fanfictions with very li......   2 reply
01 08,2016
I have the same mindset as you. I am always shocked to hear when people lose their virginity as a teenager (although I am not against having sex before marriage). I think it was just the way I was raised. My parents are Indian, and in India it is pretty much mandatory for a girl to remain a virgin before marriage (this is so stupid and the sexism i......   1 reply
23 07,2017
Sorta, I talk about yaoi a lot with my friends and then finally one of them started reading Ten Count! I was so happy :) I think that's the only yaoi she has read but hey, it's a start!   reply
19 08,2016
My parents can NEVER know.. they don't care about long as it stays away from the family! They would disown me without a second thought if they knew about me reading yaoi (I'm not joking). Thank god for incognito tab! I think my brother knows, he saw me on wattpad and was like 'wow, you read fanfiction don't you.' I denied it but I......   2 reply
13 06,2016
I feel like I'd be a seke (I can't choose between cute ukes and hot semes T_T), but more towards the seme side. And I'd probably be a really clingy, sweet kind of type of seme, like Morinaga from Koisuru Boukun XD But maybe with a small sadistic streak lol   reply
24 06,2016
Hell yeah, all my friends know! They aren't against it but they aren't into it and they get weirded out when I ship real life guys together.   reply
03 08,2016