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anneyea's answer (15)

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12 05,2020
the original post is just "getting to know asian people", i think op just phrase it wrong and didn't really explain what they mean. The ??? are just people demanding a better explanation imo. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   reply
12 05,2020
Most likely no. I'm ace and most likely aro too so yeah not really willing to waste time with trying though my mom is pretty adamant about it. She is worried that when I'm old there will be no one to take care of me. The stigma is hilarious here in my country. People either wonder if I'm too picky or some will just outright ask if I'm a closeted h......   1 reply
30 04,2020
29 04,2020
Dromophobia. Was hit by a car when I was 11. Now I wait until the road is absolutely jammed with car so I know I wont be hit by a fast approaching car or when cars are miles away before I even dare cross the road.   1 reply
29 04,2020
Oh, I almost forgot! Kids please hand in your work on my table now or I'll see you in detention.   reply
09 10,2020
it you really wanna know they do. maybe the movement of their chest is just less noticeable since they dont have boobs. if you're trolling. why though?   reply
21 08,2020
lol, why so salty?   reply
20 09,2020
tell your father no. if he persisted and still touch you i advice you to tell a teacher or an adult that could help you... at home you should avoid the hell out of your dad, lock yourself in your room, limit contact, be in his present only when necessary ie family dinner/gathering. it will be difficult and you would be seem rude but i prefer to be ......   1 reply
20 09,2020
12 05,2020
I live in a staff quarters where i used to have two room mates. But they can't stand the gossipy nature of the other staffs of their personal life style that they decided to move out. So, there I was a lonely person all alone in my room lying on my bed with my back facing the wall. I don't remember what happened but i grew restless and found it w......   2 reply
12 05,2020
hi. from which perspective will the story be told? I think it would be better if you choose the title using words or phrase that one of the character will likely use. for example if its from the girl's view the title could be what he saw the guy as. if she's deluded and you're lulling your reader to false sense of security you could titled it with ......   1 reply
13 05,2020
flying without wings   reply
02 11,2020
27 04,2020
Pretty sure if you still refer them as a dear friend you still could accept them as a friend. Friends treat friends the way they wish to be treated. If what they did is beyond your capacity of things you accept as things you would do if you were in their place I think cutting off the friendship before it become too much is best. However, it's still......   reply
27 04,2020
09 05,2020
but i have terrible handwriting. (:   1 reply
09 05,2020
whatever happened to your real parent?   1 reply
03 11,2020
i found cuts to heal faster if you just clean it then let it breathe. so wear some band aid that are breathable. to cover it up; long sleeve t, wrist band, or a handsock maybe.. just make sure the cuts are clean and covered in band aid or bandages before you wear any of those things. later on your own, let the cut breathe as in dont layered it too ......   reply
20 08,2020