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Sazz's answer page 4 (117)

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Voldemort and the Horned king from the black Cauldron. You don't have to hate me, i hate myself enough.   1 reply
26 days
Hmm I don't think this could be used as indication that you like boys (it still could be tho). For example, i prefer submissive guys, i am bisexual, i like girls too, my preference on being the dominant one in the relationship has nothing to do with my sexuality. It's just your personality, it doesn't mean that you necessarily like boys, you could ......   reply
01 07,2020
about question
My mole is placed lower. Close enough to my dead inside expression when someone gets between me and my snack time.   reply
27 04,2021
Age:30 Hair:White and pointed at the back Build: Scrawny Skin:Tan Personality: anxious Sin level: 6.1 Height: 6' 2" Preferred clothing style: proper Extra: Glasses   1 reply
19 09,2023
06 05,2021
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Not my fav but one of them: Figures of Ink: Living between the people, spacing out to new worlds, scattered pieces of paper, covering the roads, and i notice it, i see what's around the moving crowds of figures that seem distant, and loud yet not heard, not really part of what's taking place in this chapter of the tome, fragile existences, merely......   2 reply
10 02,2024
about question
I get what you mean, things like that are not my cup of tea either but yeah, as long as the people who enjoy them don't hurt anyone and don't try to justify the messed up characters, let them be. There's a thing called rape roleplay too (which is actually consensual) and altho i understand that it may be disturbing to people who have had trauma (he......   reply
07 06,2021
about question
Rice mixed with mayo and ketchup... Add some olives to that as well   reply
04 11,2023
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06 05,2024
Lockscreen Tom Riddle/Voldemort as a priest (judge me all you want) Homescreen is just a flower. It was made by a friend of mine.   1 reply
06 05,2024
Well, since someone else took Asami from viewfinder i think i wish for Ren/Kuon from skip beat to be real...ლ(´ڡ`ლ)   reply
11 07,2016
I got 10/20 in Math class. And you know what's funny? Once i started studying math by myself i became good at it Shows how much the education system sucks.   1 reply
30 04,2024
as close as i could. My hair is a bit lighter   reply
18 02,2021
Well ain't that convenient   reply
11 11,2020
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Used to,but I've now become an expert at socializing, i had to in order to survive. It'll also be useful once i get my bachelor's degree and hopefully get a job on what i studied for (a naive dream, but one can hope). But yeah, while i can easily blend in, the feeling of being an "outsider" is unfortunately harder to get rid of. We're all people at......   reply
13 02,2024
I'd probably be a forest elf or dark fae   reply
27 02,2021
i always had a soft spot for bad guys   reply
06 03,2021
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2020: Generally alright, just a bit anxious. In fact i was thrilled i had an excuse to stay inside and read my favorite books 2021: Mental Illness literally ruined me, it was very VERY sudden. My brain suddenly stopped braining and was making up some pretty messed up scenarios. It was really severe obsessive compulsive disorder. I was only 19. I c......   reply
03 02,2024
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11 04,2024
Shit   reply
11 04,2024
Mine's boring asf   1 reply
23 02,2021