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SAMMY!'s question page 1 (33)

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Idk don’t they exist?
29 05,2021
Mommy milkers pleas
09 06,2021
Most of the link are even invalid
28 08,2023
I got mad at her for doing that, but she just shouting about how a disrespectul child i was been, and why i wasnt going to have a stable future.
i lost my trust in her, am i been wrong for being angry?
IDK what to do maybe its normal beacuse im still a teenager what should i do in situations like this?
03 02,2021
come on dont be shy
11 03,2021
I'm just curious. I wanna know ur opinions ...
07 10,2023
07 02,2021
theres something wrong with me, idk i just dont understand.....i have a great family, a nice stable life, but im soo stupid i cant do anything my parents espects of me, i keep acting like a retard and i dont know what to do!
i want to die, i dont want to burden anyone anymore! i really want to die but i just want someone to give me a little push because im scared i know i will be punish being a useless disgusting human being so please just tell me to do it!

i cant live anymore, i dont deserve this im not depressed so i dont know whats wrong with mee!

pls help me...i know this is stupid,i know the world made a mistake bringing me into this world so pls help me! there so many people suffering who would love to be in my place, but here i am being a useless bish!
07 02,2021
about question
My engrish so rusty...what career do you want to do, are doing or whatever idk how to phrase this...sorry
26 07,2023
about question
28 04,2021
about question
Honestly idc. I like. I read. I don't like I read. But I would like to have some perception on this. Thank u
26 07,2023
03 05,2021
I havent done my math or physics lesson since january, I hate these subject so much I mentally freeze during the lesson...we have a physics test and I am DEAD. I know its my fault, my parents are paying money for me to got to school but i just cant stand math and physics , the teacher is nice, its just me.

someone pls r help me get over my lazy stupidity
03 05,2021
16 02,2021