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obake-chan's answer page 2 (59)

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Never cried reading a manga o.o Well, once I got moved by "Itou-san" till the point to get really emotional, that story has a place on my heart. But never cried. And look, I like to read the saddest and twisted and darkest things I can find, but seriously... nevah D: It seems I'm a cold woman xD (?)   3 reply
01 06,2016
Itou-san!!! Definitely!! OMG IT NEEDS A MOVIE TOO ε=ε=(ノ°∇°)ノ   8 reply
06 02,2017
Erwin x Levi! ♡ In the djs they are always so melancholic, sweet and dark :'3   3 reply
18 06,2016
Female, 25, Spain, born in Japan, caucasian, pansexual, into yaoi since I was 14-15, bilingual: english self taught. Not much more xD   reply
03 11,2016
Hahahahaha! Hilarious question. I'm female, lets see... Sincerely, the first thing I'd probably do is jump and run as I never did since my boobs got the size they have now LOL. You know how relieved I could feel without that weight bouncing and weighing my back without feeling inside an ecchi movie?! OMG HAHAHAHA  The next probably could be expl......   reply
12 02,2017
Oh god yes ( ̄- ̄) I always ask to myself, "why don't they put the damn title in a corner so we can identify that damn pic?!" XD With the pass of the years I learned to ignore those kind of pictures... I don't read the credits or the names of the scanlations bc if I peek at a good picture and can't find from where it is, I'll get upset x)   reply
12 11,2016
As woman I can say I am already living in that universe lol   4 reply
13 02,2017
1.- Uke. Hmmm... 2.- Sasagawa. I dun even know who's dat :l 3.- Boku no- IMPACTED WHAT THE FKHAHAHAHA 4.- Yurio. Well. I like that blondie shrimp :3 5.- Sempai. HAHAHAHA. It's funny bc... I was that sempai who never noticed her kouhai. 6.- Yuri Squad. Okay... 7.- Ass slapping / grabbing. Hm. Don't think so ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ 8.- Virgo, Scorpio, Cap......   1 reply
20 04,2017
I've a reallly dark and twisted humor sense. Like, I always laugh -I really laugh louder and intensely- with the worst and cruel jokes the psychopaths on movies/books/series etc say or do, for put an example. I find them simply grandiose bc they are totally playing with the the ppl and the dumb hero is never going to be as great as that brilliant p......   2 reply
20 07,2016
Omg omg, they would be: Olivier Amstrong (FMA), Revy / Dutch / Shenhua (Black Lagoon), Nicholas (Gangsta.), Saeko (HOTD) , Sun Jin (Tamen Di Gushi) I probably have more I like, but at this moment those are the ones who shows immediately in my mind *0* I want a harem whit them asdfhsdfajs *Q*   reply
28 05,2016
I'm a pan *rolls like a baguette* LOLOL cheap joke   1 reply
08 12,2016
about nicknames
I tattooed Navi (TLOZ) on my neck 3 years ago, and my friends started to call me that lol The funny fact is, since my real name is somewhat hard to pronounce, when I am with strangers they call me Navi if they recognise her, but those who doesn't use Fairy instead xDD! I've become "that fairy girl" or "that crazy woman who likes the fucking annoyin......   reply
05 10,2016
I usually don't pay attention on who makes the voices of who, bc seiyuus acts with their voices and they have wide registers so, bluntly, I usually don't recognize them LOL BUT!! There's a seiyuu I'll always recognize bc I fell in love with his voice tone: Kenjirou Tsuda. He did the voices of Mikoto Suoh in K, and Nico from Gangsta. (and many oyhe......   reply
22 10,2016
Hmmm... Heterochromia, scars, vitiligo... Androginous females with "masculine" looks (my late little obssesion is Ruby Rose). I think that's all, I am not much into fetishes xD   reply
13 07,2017
I think I was like 14-15-16, can't remember... And I am pretty sure my first contact with this world was Loveless, but maybe I am wrong... Like 10 years already passed since the first time xD   reply
22 08,2016
I feel like that much often than I would like xD I don't go so far to desire the death of someone, but I got what you mean. Things are like... so plain... There are no mysteries to resolve, or situations to take part of, and so on. Well, honestly, there are. But maybe not the kind that passionate you. My solution? I started writing. Bc I started ......   reply
08 12,2016
I prefer yaoi and I dont know why. In fact I dunno why I love this genre lol I also like yuri, but less... I think it might be bc I like women irl, and reading explicit yuri is like read faping matherial LOLOL   1 reply
06 09,2016
I did the test like 3times bc I didn't like the first result xDDD and I got 3 different options each time, badass uke, dfwm seme and another one I don't remember lol. So, personally, without any quiz, I'll tell you what type I am: the Queen Uke. A whore in bed, a lady in life B)   2 reply
02 04,2017
Uta. Definitely and forever, Uta. He is so crazy and strange and his looks are amazing. AMAZING. I have no special ship for this serie :O   reply
27 08,2016
Seems like is INTP-A for me... The logician XD Quite accurate at some points, that description.   reply
02 04,2018