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Wonyz's answer (4)

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about question
CODE NAME ANASTASIA, first off taekjoo isn’t even gay if we’re being honest his attraction and arousal towards Zhenya became a response to the rape + Stockholm syndrome, they only had consensual sex ONCE, Zhenya never regrets or cares about what he did to Taekjoo and he doesn’t love Taekjoo it’s just an obsession, sex is never enjoyable for......   2 reply
11 days
How tf is there drama on an illegal website   1 reply
20 07,2021
Uh go to phub if you’re horny..   reply
21 07,2021
about question
167… to be fair most of them are from when I get 2nd hand embarrassment, open a new tab, and read a new manwha   1 reply
14 days