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itsme_'s answer page 3 (461)

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In my opinion, there is no ugly idol in the kpop industry because if there was their music would not sell, lets be honest.   reply
12 06,2021
tatsumaki opm   2 reply
30 07,2020
something fun to happen quite bored rn   reply
14 10,2020
daisuke kambe   2 reply
12 10,2020
Banana Fish that really hurt me so much, i cried for days after finishing the anime, for some reason it really tore up my heart   reply
21 09,2020
about question
itsme_ 07 05,2021
07 05,2021
itsme_ 24 04,2021
Go tf to sleep, star park and fanboy kim, cestelle, there was this other user but i forgot their name, bethany, tree, nosleep, taku, ollie lolli, tomy, hellish, bobatea nguyen etc. I could name more but these are all i remember.   1 reply
24 04,2021
none because why would i fuck a fruit-   reply
30 10,2020
The fact a teenager did that to a child is so gross, im sorry you had to go through that at a young age. I'm very sorry and to answer your question i dont remember.   reply
08 04,2021
People that breathe, like omg they be so annoying   reply
26 04,2021
about question
I wonder why yuri gets so much hate, the genre is amazing as well as the plot. I wish people can give it a chance, before hating on it   reply
27 04,2021
about sad times
I heard about it, and its so horrible the least we can do to help them is to spread the word and sign petitions. The people agreeing it will burn in hell, no children should go thru that.   reply
21 06,2021
about lmao
The fact some of yall are taking this seriously is making me giggle   1 reply
10 04,2021
about question
Sana from twice Everyone from blackpink JUST WANT TO SAY I THINK EVERY KPOP IDOL IS BEAUTIFUL i'm just showing ones that catch my eyes. ALSO WHEEIN   1 reply
25 04,2021
This question is so dumb, ion even know why i'm answering it when the answer is very clear.   reply
10 04,2021
I dont have a type when it comes to love, also i dont have a lover #singleforlife   reply
26 05,2021
nobody i dont know if their like a 40 year old man behind the screen you gotta be careful nowadays   2 reply
16 10,2020
21 09,2020
about question
Sebastian x Ciel from black butler he's 13 and the fact their shipping him with a grown ass men- anybody who ships that imma start praying for yall   2 reply
06 03,2021
i can be the aizawa to your sleeping bag.   reply
02 11,2020