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Tomy's answer page 11 (219)

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Dead tube. Periodt. Is there really a need to explain why this shit was fucked up.   1 reply
21 06,2020
b-but im 3 dont ban me pls. im sure the pedos on this site would be very sad   1 reply
20 10,2020
I got 24 Y’know what that’s pretty good I’m not too old but not too young   2 reply
18 07,2020
Tomy 15 07,2020
My discord is tomy#8484   1 reply
15 07,2020
join uwu. ill try my best to moderate the server so u dont get spammed by weir shit hope u will enjoy your time there   1 reply
24 10,2020
about question
Tomy 14 07,2020
Yaoi hands   25 reply
14 07,2020
Romance similar to bloom into you. Doesn’t necessarily have to be shoujo ai. A romance with characters similar to that of bloom into you   reply
19 07,2020
I do watch it but I don’t really feel anything nor do I masturbate to it. I just feel the sudden urge and my mind says “let’s watch porn!” I expressionlessly watch it. I don’t feel turned on or off but who knows maybe I do and I’m not conscious of it. I usually watch hentai or lesbian porn and sometimes anal too. Some of the females aro......   1 reply
08 06,2020
Tomy 27 07,2020
When you’re single and don’t have any friends it doesn’t really matter :’)   1 reply
27 07,2020
My first crush was Leon Kennedy. First fell in love with his hair in resident evil 4. Also his hair looks so good in resident evil 2 remake ლ(´ڡ`ლ). Also had a little crush on Ada too. Just liked her outer appearance, personality not so much   2 reply
22 05,2020
On or off . The mc is just too adorable (▰˘◡˘▰)   2 reply
26 06,2020
Lock screen Home screen I love the light blue aesthetic of this so much   2 reply
19 07,2020
“Why are you so introverted”, “go out and play”, “why don’t you like what other kids your age do”, “why do you keep on watching those weird cartoons (those imbeciles are referring to anime and manga)” and “why don’t you smile” ( I have a resting bitch face)   reply
19 06,2020
Intp also 100% introverted (lol I expected that)   reply
05 07,2020
I’m from India (specifically north) and anime is something very unknown here. Like there’s no one around me who knows what the word anime, manga, yuri, yaoi etc mean. So in India this isn’t really mainstream. And i am also a new fujoshi (I started in 2019)if you compare it to the whole world but in my whole city I am probably the only one who......   1 reply
21 06,2020
I first accidentally found abt shoujo ai when I was looking for shoujo to read and really liked bloom into you. Then came yuri and then shounen ai and then yaoi. Am i the only one who found gl before bl   reply
05 07,2020
I do not wish to be horny anymore, just happy   reply
19 09,2020
buy dildos until i run out of money   reply
19 10,2020
Not really an answer but I have felt the same way you have too in some of my previous relationships. I decided that they were not worth my time and moved on. That’s all I could do. But this did cause me to have commitment issues and I now when I’m in new relationships I constantly think that one day this person will forget abt me. So I just do......   reply
26 06,2020