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Sultrykitty's answer (14)

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Cain from Dear Door!   4 reply
12 06,2020
Hwa Gok in Blood Link is just the sexiest to me!!!!! he isn't the prettiest uke. but like to quote Gō from Free! " Exquisite back muscles   1 reply
14 06,2020
Man whore who is immortal, ends up taking care of female wolf man and end up having a baby.   6 reply
29 01,2021
about question
As many other people answered, i like seeing them with children, no they don't have to have children, but a big part of the fantasy is 2 males being able to have a biological family together despite both being male I also think a big part of it is that in Japan and other countries homosexuality is not recognized in marriage which makes it harder f......   1 reply
16 07,2020
Have i ever done that deed to it, no. But it has made me call my boyfriend over if you catch my drift. And its more like the intense love part of it gets me to want to have sex and cuddle.   1 reply
22 07,2020
Literally, almost any man from FREE! except nagisa because he's just a cinnamon roll   1 reply
25 07,2020
24 09,2020
I agree, omegaverse should be about having a happy family. BUT!!!! The rape of omegaverse is a more realistic and horrible occurrence that probably would happen daily to omegas. I think the first person who thought of this was like, well might as well give omegas the same pressure of society that many women feel!   2 reply
24 09,2020
Ohh babe im getting railed in a wendy's parking lot, if this is gonna be going on!   reply
24 09,2020
Well a few fucked me up like when Yuri on Ice ended I couldn't listen to the intro anymore because I was longing for more. Free! fucked me up because I just love those boys so much that whenever a season ended I was just like " What if we never see them again T-T " Dakaichi : I'm being harrased by .. the anime fucked me up because who doesn't w......   1 reply
07 08,2020   2 reply
21 06,2020
I got omega and im so ok with that, Someone please take care of me XD   reply
06 05,2020
Reading shounen-ai: "Does a sister have to get into a car accident just get it hit from behind these days?!" - proceeds to get into 20+ car accidents   reply
23 09,2020
about drawing
22 07,2020
I am a college kid and I have a good life and a good family. The one problem is, is that I wish I could be something that is impossible for me to be. But other than that I'm happy and I can always escape thinking about stuff like that thanks to this site. I can escape into the manga and live out fantasies that could never happen for me   1 reply
05 05,2020