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pr1nc3ss's answer page 1 (28)

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22 07,2020
Sangwoo could kill their entire family and some girls would still be willing to call him daddy. Like no thanks I’d rather take myself out than be raped by a psycho. I mean kinks are hot but Sangwoo just ignores the line.   1 reply
22 07,2020
07 08,2020
I don’t know if this is serious or not. But since you’re in a car, go to a near gas station with store because they usually have bathrooms open 24/7. (US)   reply
07 08,2020
When I wake up everyday realizing I’m still breathing. I think that’s a very “oh shitz, frick me” moment. Nothing too deep just a reoccurring realization that I’m still not fooking ded   1 reply
10 08,2020
anything social related. also knowing I have to continue existing triggers me   2 reply
23 08,2020
31 07,2020
Jooin and blonde dude from ‘yours to claim’. They’re not a couple yET but I currently dislike the first male lead cus he’s an assi don’t think they’re the hottest couple but I wanna know ppl’s opinions about them.   2 reply
31 07,2020
After reading a lot of yaoi I don’t find the woman body attractive anymore. I’m a girl but seeing hetero sex doesn’t do anything anymore like it’s just there, but I’d rather see a dick being shoved up another dude’s butt. Okkk also boobs were hot but now I’m just thinking ehhh it’s kinda too jiggly to the point where it’s gross? I......   1 reply
23 07,2020
23 08,2020
to have never existed in the first place   1 reply
23 08,2020
now ppl are just doing this for attention and it’s fucking annoying. just stop, it’s not even entertaining at this point   1 reply
23 08,2020
tiktokers already ruin so much. like please leave this goddamn website. no one asked you to spread it around. if you think you're doing people a favor then go fuck off you're just ruining it for everyone else that found this website themselves. tiktok is an annoying site that just gives ppl headaches. Thank you for making #mangago trend. Thanks a ......   1 reply
28 06,2020
Heesu in class 2. I’ve read the first few chapters then skipped to the end because I just could not take the art. I’m sorry but Heesu didn’t not strike me as “cute” or whatever.   4 reply
05 08,2020
22 07,2020
Not cursed but it’s images canon couple that makes me wanna burn my emotions   5 reply
22 07,2020
I wanna know how they feel about being trAsh Doppelgänger: what does being a pathetic failure feel like? Me: ask yourself :) Doppelgänger: yeah, I am. ;D Me: ngl that was a good one. Doppelgänger: I know lol Me: *cringe*   2 reply
04 08,2020
Akasshi Keiji Akise Aru Kaworu Isshiki   reply
29 08,2020
they want me to have a good life. get good grades and get into good schools for a good future. But I can’t make them proud because I’m a dumbass who has no motivation to continue breathing.   reply
05 08,2020
about drawing
22 07,2020
Suicidal memes cus why not Other memes cuz why not   1 reply
22 07,2020
Decided I wanna play tennis after watching prince of tennis, then found out I suck ass at tennis so I’m practicing while reading bl on my breaks   1 reply
22 08,2020
I finish at least one story or get caught up with a series in a day. But basically a lot since it’s either reading yaoi or watching anime. Anyways enjoy my random collection of pictures from yaoi   reply
18 07,2020
having to wake up in the morning and realizing I didn’t die yet lol   2 reply
23 08,2020
if I tell someone abt how I hate existing then I feel like I’m wasting their time with my shitty ass. And that makes me feel even worse   reply
24 08,2020