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rayne's answer page 1 (35)

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I'm not embarrassed by bondage kink. Sure in the past I would've been mortified if anyone found out, but screw it. I like it, and if I find a man who also enjoys bondage, you bet we're doing it. Also orgasm denial/delay. (Okay but realistically knowing me I would still be a little embarrassed if anyone found out about it lol.)   reply
31 05,2019
I don't sob when I'm reading, tbh. Instead I'll get a deep sadness in my chest or I'll tear up a bit. Yatamomo made me tear up a bit.   reply
01 04,2019
Since I discovered I could read mangas free online about eight ago, I've read 152+.   reply
02 04,2019
I don't shave my legs as often as I used to. I'm lazy, and always somehow end up missing a patch of hair and almost always cut myself. But I do shave my armpits every time I shower because it's easier, even though I shouldn't bother. No one sees my armpits anyway lol.   reply
10 04,2019
I have six cats. Sammy, who's actually my older brother's cat but came to live at my parents house while he was in jail back 2015 because his cats were mean and ran her off, is fat but friendly and loving. Every time I pet her she licks my hand. Grumps who got her name because she was a grouchy kitten. She's much better now, though. She only grow......   2 reply
29 05,2019
Lmao not talking for a day, I could do that with ease. I'm used to not saying much/being completely slient since I've been this way for as long as I can remember.   reply
21 06,2019
Freaking got out of my parents house when I had the chance. Around August my ex asked if I wanted to move in with him. Of course I do (I still do). But he doesn't have a good reputation with my family because of a stupid miscommunication back in 2012 and I was too worried about their reactions and if they'd persuade me not to do it or whatever. But......   1 reply
04 04,2019
I have a tenancy to ghost potential friends. Not because I don't want them. In fact, I wouldn't mind having at least one friend who isn't my brother or my ex. But because in the past when I did have one friend, they moved away and dropped all contact with me. This happened more than once and it hurt, especially when one of those friends was my best......   1 reply
08 03,2019
26, female, American. Yaoi has been my secret addiction for the past five years.   reply
23 11,2016
In recent years, there were a few times where I questioned why I was still here. What was the point of my life if I'm not doing anything with it, living how I want to. I wanted to be a writer but I guess that was only a dream. I want to get a job but I have a hard time having a conversation with people who aren't my brother. I've had four interview......   reply
30 03,2019
Here's something weird about my dreams: whenever my dream self takes a shower, the drain is always clugged, the murky water always rises to about the middle of my shin then stops, and there's always a spider or two in the corner of the shower. And my dream self always takes a shower as if it's normal. Another weird thing about my dreams: I almost n......   1 reply
02 06,2019
30 08,2019
I was 20 and it was on a different manga site after I binge read Black Butler for the first time. I was looking for something new to read and clicked on the genre. I'd heard about it from members on a creative writing site and wanted to check it out. But that site had a limited selection and nothing good (just visited it again and besides the rando......   reply
30 08,2019
I'd like to think I'd do everything on my list but knowing how lazy I am I'd probably do what I've been doing the last three months: lie in bed and read.   reply
02 04,2019
Rayne, female, america. I love yaoi (psychological and the ones with bondage are my favorites), but I'm starting to venture a bit into shounen ai and horror.   reply
25 05,2019
I agree with the less plot/character development in most yaoi that has bdsm but at the same time I love it. I've read so much of it that vanilla sex in yaoi to me is boring af lol.   reply
21 05,2019
I don't tell people about my reading habits because I don't think they care so I guess you could say I keep my reading yaoi hidden.   reply
16 03,2019
1. Seme 2. Sasuke Uchiha 3. "B-but we're both guys..." 4. (It wouldn't load) 5. The one who fell in love with senpai 6. Yuri squad (lmao no) 7. Multiple orgasms 8. Leo, Libra, Sagittarius 9. 2 (idk if my mind's that dirty though)   1 reply
26 05,2019
Not a yaoi character, but Jin from Household Affairs could be my partner in bed any day, tbh.   reply
11 03,2019
Because if I'm too shy to approach a guy I'm interested in and have a conversation with him, there's no way I'd get naked in bed with him lol.   reply
30 03,2018
I like to think I'm not eligible for hell. But when I really think about it, I am. Now I haven't done anything major, but... 1. I was a pathological liar (as a child) 2. Stole from classmates (in my early elementary school days and was surprisingly never caught) 3. I'm lazy af 4. I regularly read yaoi (bondage and rape being the ones I tend to grav......   reply
28 02,2019