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Evara's answer (6)

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about lgbt
Truthfully, I’m actually straight but it really pisses me off when people are disrespectful/rude to the lgbt community. I have a lot of friends who are gay and I’ve heard them be called every name in the book. I don’t know how anyone can treat another person so awfully just because they are different. Anyway, there was one time where I real......   4 reply
16 05,2020
Power play- with me being dominant Bondage Not really what you call it, but knowing that I’m making my partner feel good is a turn on for me. This next one is a little strange weird but I’ve always been attracted to emotionally damaged people. I have a weird desire to fix them.   reply
16 05,2020
about question
lmao I just want purple hair- thats it XD   reply
14 07,2021
No just no. I actually don’t think my parents would mind too much. LGBT people are treated with respect in my house, so that’s not the issue. But the thought alone of talking about yaoi with my parents? Hell no. Especially since the yaoi I read is usually so far on the kinky spectrum it’s not even funny.   reply
16 05,2020
It wasn’t too bad for me, I read a lot of fanfiction smut before I got into yaoi.   1 reply
16 05,2020